Мултикултурният човек. Сборник в чест на прод. д.и.н. Камен Гаренов (отец Петър Гарена). Археология и история, Език и литература
This volume contains studies, articles and research reports dedicated to Prof. Petar Garenov and the 60-th anniversary of his death. In his life Prof. Garenov was part of the academic department of History and Archaeology of Povdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski". The title of the collection represents the person Prof. Garenov was - an outstanding theologian, Doctor of history, sculptor and painter, who received various awards in all these areas during his life. All the studies and articles in this volume cover a large area of topics and subjects in the spheres of History, Archaeology, Language and Literature. Some of the works contain illustrations and images used to support the arguments of a concrete author. All the Bulgarian and foreign authors of this edition are prominent scientists and experts in different scientific areas.