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A Report on the National Scientific Conference Aktion Zamość 1942-1943, Academy of Zamość, Zamość, 28 February 202
The article discusses the historical significance and context of the Wannsee Conference, which was held on January 20, 1942 in Berlin to coordinate the implementation of the "Final Solution" of the Jewish question in Nazi-occupied Europe. The author argues that the conference was not the starting point of the genocide of European Jews, but rather a bureaucratic meeting to inform and involve various state agencies in the ongoing mass murder that had already begun in the Soviet Union and Poland. The author also analyzes the motivations and roles of different Nazi leaders, such as Hitler, Göring, Himmler, and Heydrich, in planning and executing the "Final Solution", as well as the euphemistic terminology and deceptive methods they used to conceal their criminal intentions.
Review of: A Symposium on the History of the Terezín Family Camp at Auschwitz, Terezin, March 7—9, 1989 (Conference report) Jiří Kramer: Památná místa a památníky protifašistického boje v Severočeském kraji (Die Gedenkstätten und Denkmale des antifaschistischen Kampfes im nordböhmischen Gebiet). Okresní výbor Českého svazu protifašistických bojovníků. Ústí nad Labem 1987. 151 Seiten Wagner, Wolf H.: Der Hölle entronnen-Stationen eines Lebens. (Eine Biographie des Malers und Graphikers Leo Haas.) Henschelverlag, Berlin 1987, 212 Seiten Text, 60 Seiten Bilderbeilagen „Jüdische Friedhöfe in Berlin“, Henscheiverlag Kunst und Gesellschaft, Berlin 1987, 160 pp., by Alfred Etzold, Joachim Fait, Peter Kirchner, and Heinz Knobloch Tietze, Hans: Die Juden Wiens, Geschichte-Wirtschaft-Kultur, Wien 1987, Edition Atelier (Wiener Journal Zeitschriftenverlag), 301 pages The Wellspring of Living Waters. Issachar Bär Teller, Physician and Surgeon, A Medical Self-Help Book. Translated from the Hebrew and Yiddish With Introduction and Notes by Arthur Teller, M. D., Tai Or Oth Publishers, New York 1988 František Kafka: Der grosse Rabbi aus Prag — Jehuda Löw. Buchloe 1988, Verlag Hans Obermayer, 178 Seiten
1. La nouvelle exposition du Musée juif d’Etat „Millenium judaicum bohemicum“ (Libretiste: Doc. dr. Vladimir Sadek, Architecte: arch. Bohumil Ulrich, Graphique: Jaroslav Béza) 2. Conférences d’automne 1967 du Musée juif d’Etat
1. Le cycle des conférences d’automne 1970, du Musée Juif d’Etat 2. Le cycle des conférences du Museé Juif d’Etat en 1971 3. L’exposition „Kepler et Prague“
1. Terezín (Theresienstadt) am 3, September 1972 2. Le cycle des conférences „De l’histoire de l’art juif“
Exposition „Terezín dans les dessins des prisonniers 1941—1945“; “The Precious Legacy“ — An Exhibition from the Collections of the State Jewish Museum; International Scientific Session in Warsaw; Review of: Jacek E. Vilczur, Roman Hrabar, Zofia Tokarz — Czas niewoli, czas šmierci. Martyrologia polskich dzieci podczas okupacji hitlerowskiej, Warszawa 1981, 211 S.
Some Notes on Making Use of Hebrew Manuscripts and Old Printed Books for Exhibition Purposes Exposition -«L’Ornement dans l’art populaire» (des collections du Musée Juif d’Etat de Prague) Die Jugend im Konzentrationslager Theresienstadt 1941—1945 Neuzugänge von Archivgegenständen in den Sammlungen „Verfolgung“ und „Theresienstadt“
Les dessins de Terezín par les membres de la famille Klein; Exposition „Le Génocide hitlérien en Europe et en Pologne 1933—1945“
The Exhibition “Struggles and Battles — Art Against Fascism and War“; (Conference report) Review of: Gerhard Schoenberner: Der gelbe Stern. Die Judenverfolgung in Europa 1933—1945. 3. Ausgabe, Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt a/M, 1982, 318 S.
New Exhibition of the Synagogue Textiles Collection of the State Jewish Museum in Prague; The Exhibition „The Old Jewish Cemetery in Prague in the Works of Romantic Painters“; Exposition itinérante des dessins d’enfant de Terezín en Italie; Musik in den Konzentrationslagern; The Results of Two Years’ Work on the Restorations of the Memorial to the Victims of Nazism in the Pinkas Synagogue; Die Restaurierung der Grabsteines von Hendl Bassewi auf dem Alten jüdischen Friedhof in Prag
The International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (Société internationale d’ethnologie et de folklore — SIEF) is a professional organisation that assembles ethnologists, anthropologists, folklorists, ethnomusicologists, linguists, sociologists and others. The Society held its 12th Congress in Croatia in June 2015 with the theme Utopias, Realities, Heritages: Ethnographies for the 21St Century, assisted by local organizers, the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social sciences of the University of Zagreb, and the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb. Although one of the largest humanities conferences in the region, it attracted many scholars from other parts of the world, who offered contributions on various topics related to the conference theme: archives, body/embodiment, digital/virtual, disciplinary discussions, food, gender and sexuality, heritage, home, migration/borders, museums, narrative, politics and social movements, religion, rural, socialist, post-socialist and urban studies, including music. Thus, it is understandable that throughout the conference there were continuous sessions showing ethnographic films, since they, as a medium, potentially encompass all humanities and social sciences.
Report on conference "Rat i demokracija: srednjoeuropske demokracije pod pritiskom", held at University of Dubrovnik, from 28th to 29th of September 2023.
Book review: Velinova, Malinka, Antoaneta Robova, Teodora Tzankova (dir.). Normes etréécritures/ mythes et reformulations. – Philologuitcheski forum, Issue 1 (15), 2022,ISSN 2534-9473. [Велинова, Малинка, Антоанета Робова, Теодора Цанкова (съст.).Норми и пренаписване/ митове и преформулиране. –Филологически форум, брой 1(15), 2022, ISSN 2534-9473; Norms and Rewritings/ Myths and Reformulations].
1. Renginys ,,Free Digital Democracy Dialogue“, 2023 m. sausio 12 d. (VU TSPMI). 2. Diskusija „Jaunimas politikoje“, 2023 m. vasario 28 d. (VU TSPMI, hibridiniu būdu). 3. Diskusija „Diena po rinkimų“, 2023 m. kovo 6 d. (VU TSPMI). 4. Jean Monnet Chair prof. Ramūno Vilpišausko ir Europos Parlamento nario Andriaus Kubiliaus diskusija, 2023 m. kovo 21 d. (VU TSPMI, nuotoliniu būdu) 5. Diskusija ,,Karo Ukrainoje pamokos Lietuvai – gynybos perspektyva“, 2023 m. gegužės 25 d. (VU TSPMI). 6. Rositos Garškaitės-Antonowicz disertacijos ,,Katalikybės vaidmuo kasdieniame mąstyme apie Europos Sąjungą: Lietuvos atvejis“ gynimas, 2023 m. rugsėjo 29 d. (VU TSPMI) 7. Diskusija „Kam partijoms reikia analitinių centrų?“, 2023 m. birželio 28 d. (VU TSPMI). 8. „Belarus and Belarusians, 2020+“ (liet. Baltarusija ir baltarusiai, 2020+), VU TSPMI bendradarbiaujant su Voriko universitetu vykdytos dirbtuvės, 2023 m. spalio 24 d. (VU TSPMI). 9. Metinė Lietuvos politikos mokslų konferencija „Polikrizės atgarsiai Lietuvoje ir pasaulyje“, 2023 m. lapkričio 30–gruodžio 1 d. (VU TSPMI).
The traditional international meeting of young linguists, held at the Faculty of Arts of Palacký University in Olomouc on May 15-16, 2023, provided participants with an opportunity to reflect on a diverse array of ideas, discussions, and insights under the theme of an (In)comprehensible World. The main purpose of this meeting is to offer young linguists from around the world a platform to share and exchange their latest research, ideas, and findings in the field of linguistics. This year's conference focused on how language enables us to understand the world and share our thoughts, while also serving as a tool for manipulation and misinformation. The event highlighted the role of language in today's complex social and media context, examining how language and communication affect our ability to understand the world, present different worldviews, and the impact of cultural and generational differences on communication. The conference also explored the influence of non-verbal communication elements on message interpretation and the extent to which the current global situation affects language development. A plenary lecture by American cognitive linguist Laura Janda analyzed Vladimir Putin's speeches, focusing on the prohibition of the term "war" for the conflict in Ukraine and the use of grammatical cases in Russian discourse. The conference featured five specialized workshops and included a national round of the Student and Science: Linguistics competition, recognizing outstanding contributions from students.
The article tells about the work of the XXXIII International Scientific Conference “Intelligentsia and Intellectuals: debatable issues of study”, which was held in Ivanovo on 28—29 September 2023. The author drew attention to the most interesting and relevant reports and speeches of the participants of the intelligentsia studies forum. Various methodological approaches to the study of the place and role of intellectuals and intelligentsia in society are considered. The features of their behavior at the turning points of Russian and world history are analyzed. Some significant aspects of the participation of the intelligentsia and intellectuals in the socio-political transformations of the modern world are revealed.