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Are there lessons that link the 1000th anniversary of Kazan’s founding and the first anniversary of the Beslan tragedy?
The new Bulgarian governing coalition is a deeply divided one. Can it take the country to the EU by 2007?
Solidarity’s 25th anniversary highlights Poland’s clashing views of itself – and the twists that history can take.
Sofia ponders how to get its science groove back, assuming aliens don’t ruin everything.
Despite the country’s promise to ban it, Russians are increasingly in favor of the death penalty.
Bosnia won’t collapse without its crutches, and the sooner they are removed, the better.
As Abkhazia emerges into something like normality, the bad old days may start to look not so bad after all.
Political freedom in Central Asia was already limited before the Georgian revolution. Since then, and with parliamentary elections looming in all five states, political freedoms are being squeezed again.
Although beaten in Bucharest and other cities, the ruling Social Democrats consolidate their hold on local politics.
'Would CBS air an interview with the widow of a fighter who destroyed the World Trade Center?' Moscow asks after prominent journalist is forced off air.
enka has cowed his courtiers and there is no sign yet of a palace coup. Nor, perhaps, will there ever be one.
Belarus’ leading opposition figures go on hunger strike after parliament refuses to listen to calls for electoral change.
Whether through humanitarian aid or a show of force, President Saakashvili seems determined to reunite South Ossetia with the rest of Georgia.