Latvia: A Reform Too Far?
Pre-election bickering is the last thing the Latvian people need right now as the economic ground gives way beneath their feet.
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Pre-election bickering is the last thing the Latvian people need right now as the economic ground gives way beneath their feet.
Another activist and another journalist are murdered. But don’t look for widespread condemnation from the Russian public.
Ethnic structure of Bosnia and Herzegovina, now sixteen years after the war, is radically changed from the pre-war period. Many municipalities in which Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats made up majority of population in 1991 have changed its ethnic structure picture, largely as a result of war and the subsequent resettlement of displaced persons. All three nations are homogenized. In relation to the 1991 census there is decline in the share of Croats and ‘others’ and increase the share of Bosniaks (probably to the level of absolute majority) and Serbs. Tendencies of changes in the ethnic composition of B&H were present before the war (pronounced lower birth rate and emigration of Croats and Serbs) and woulD be continued in any case. In Brcko District, which is in some ways a paradigm of the situation in B&H, many settlements where Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats made up most of the population in 1991 changed its ethnic picture, with the proportion of Serbs increased considerably.
When Russians go to the polls to pick a new leader, they have a choice: Dmitry Medvedev.
A favorite spirit may be threatened when Macedonia begins negotiating for EU membership.
The Bosnian Serb leader caters to Belgrade nationalists over Kosovo. It’s nothing to worry about.
The Slovak premier takes on chroniclers of the past and present. But he’s forgetting the lessons of the '90s.
Medvedev has a softer image than his predecessor. But don’t expect a post-Putin thaw.
A visit to Kyiv’s largest market reveals a vibrant migrant community. But Ukraine isn’t always the promised land.
Education in Russia is becoming simply another tool of the ruling party.
Orthodoxy and Islam share a companionable existence in Russia. But challenges loom for both faiths.
Saakashvili’s crackdown is not as astonishing as some of Georgia’s friends believe, but is no less disquieting.
Russia’s transport strategy for the Baltic Sea rests on two pillars: better ports and a tougher line with trading partners.
For some countries, adopting Europe's single currency might seem like curing a healthy patient. But delaying it will lead to aches and pains down the road.
Europe is seen as a leader on environmental issues. In reality, there’s more talk than substance.
Scarce work opportunities and discrimination are prompting Slovak Roma to head for the isles.
“Incidentul de acum cîteva săptămîni provocat de stipularea limbii "moldoveneşti" în Acordul privind facilitarea emiterii vizelor şi Acordul de readmisie, încheiate între UE şi R. Moldova, nu reprezintă deloc o surpriză pentru cei care urmăresc cu atenţie discursul lingvistic al partidului de guvernămînt. La o examinare lucidă şi detaşată, constatăm că este vorba de un discurs consecvent, cu o anumită "coerenţă" interioară, chiar dacă se bazează pe premise total false, antiştiinţifice, şi pe o strategie diabolică. Această coerenţă - care poate fi dedusă din platforma sa electorală, din Concepţia politicii naţionale"[…]