Reform: Speed Doesn’t Pay
An expert on the economic side of transition offers his observations on some of the lessons learned in Central Europe for the rest of the region.
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An expert on the economic side of transition offers his observations on some of the lessons learned in Central Europe for the rest of the region.
The Belarusian opposition and Washington loudly decry the guilty verdict against former diplomat and minister Mikhail Marynich.
Poland’s fashion for media-inspired parliamentary investigations continues, this time into the privatization of the country’s largest insurance company.
The next stop for Radovan Karadzic is The Hague. Over the years, TOL has chronicled his impact in the Balkans and beyond.
Rising violence against racial minorities could stymie Ukraine’s hopes for closer EU ties.
European politicians and the press tend to nap over Balkan issues. Now there’s a reason to wake up.
On the run for 13 years, the former Bosnian Serb leader is finally behind bars.
Unless governments take action soon, lawsuits by “libel tourists” could pose a serious threat to any publication available on the Internet.
A Kenyan-born runner proves an unusual and inspiring addition to Bosnia’s Olympic team.
A Hungarian civil-society leader recalls watching the world change from a remote rural village. A TOL special report. See more special coverage of the anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain at our 20 Years After website http://20years.tol.org/
It’s far too early to write off the last 20 years as a disappointing anti-climax. See more special coverage of the anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain at our 20 Years After website http://20years.tol.org/
Once allies in the push for Montenegrin independence, the country's prime minister and its oldest private newspaper are now locked in a nasty war of words and writs.
Yes, 10 November brought fundamental change. But in Sofia, they hold the anniversary at arm’s length.
The Polish farmer has taken a wild ride in the past 20 years, but the stats suggest that life is calmer these days. A TOL special report. See more special coverage of the anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain at our 20 Years After website.
How the murderer of Miklos Radnoti became a hero in Hungary.
Critics say Russian society's growing intolerance of minorities is largely down to the acts and words of media, politicians, and police.
Polish writer Andrzej Stasiuk's prizewinning anti-guidebook to the new Europe.
Although the international community and the Serbs alike may have botched the final episodes in the Milosevic saga, the need to deal with his legacy is no less urgent.
Quasi-private media ownership is a threat to press freedom in Slovenia. Politicians are using it to hold journalists in thrall.
As Kosovo moves toward independence, its leading public figures are debating whether there is a Kosovar national identity.