Kosovo: The Forgotten Ones
As Serbs and Albanians discuss the province’s future, Kosovo’s smaller minorities are left out in the cold.
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As Serbs and Albanians discuss the province’s future, Kosovo’s smaller minorities are left out in the cold.
The wrangling over Milosevic's funeral highlights the precarious position of Serbia’s government and the fragility of its democratic institutions.
The funeral of former president Milosevic turns into a show of force by the Socialists and Radicals, which some fear could bring down the government.
The Polish president's trip to Moscow for Victory Day may do little to heal wounds still painful after 60 years.
A good first year in the EU is having too little impact on Polish politics.
Why will Uzbek cinemas and television be showing no war films on Victory Day, or after?
Will a new proposal for Macedonia’s name break the deadlock with Greece?
The controversial election of the Croatian member of the country’s tripartite presidency shows the cracks in the construction of today’s Bosnia.
One in every four Russians apparently visited war memorials on a day described as Russia’s “most sincere” celebration.
The overheated political debate about Victory Day proves just one thing – that historians should be left to write history.
With the prospect of EU membership ahead for Turkey, Ankara and Yerevan may be inching towards common ground on the most vexed question in their shared history.
New parties and old quarrels emerge in early maneuvers ahead of next year’s Slovak elections.
Changes in the law could bring some decorum to Belgrade’s raucous media scene. Or kill it.
In a border town where Greece means business, there is hope for a compromise on Macedonia’s name.
A critical voice in the Kazakh media is paralyzed in a standoff with a state-owned bank.
Mikheil Saakashvili can rest assured that the new, critical report on Georgia’s role in the Ossetian war will have almost no domestic repercussions.
Behind the scenes, the EU powers are losing patience with Prague’s aimless – or is it obstructive? – behavior.
As Kyiv steps up efforts to promote the use of Ukrainian in schools in Crimea, local complaints grow.