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The article makes a brief historical review of the development of Roma publicationsin the countries in Eastern Europe by emphasizing the processes in each country andthe interrelations between their policies regarding the Roma culture and the Roma literary production. The aim of the article is to show that the development of Roma literature is related to the political, social and cultural context in the country or region of its creation. The comparative historical approach is the most appropriate for the purpose since the tendencies in the development of the Roma literature are related to the policies of identity (in general or directed to the Roma population) in different historical periods and regions.
Modern Mimesis: Self-Reflexivity in Literature is a passionate defence of philology that traverses the distances from Ancient Hellas to present-day Japan, from Ulysses to robots. This movement follows a logic described by the author as reconceptualization, and creates conceptual nodes configured through horizontal and vertical, temporal and spatial self-reflexive reduplications. The broad arc from the libraries of Alexandria and Pergamum to the mimetic valleys of robotics thus turns out to be underpinned by the reconceptualization of the ancient dispute between ‘analogy’ and ‘anomaly’, turning any attempt at ordering into an ‘endless series of rearrangements’.
Analytic description, according to members of the Lvov-Warsaw School (LWS) like Czeżowski, Ajdukiewicz, Ossowska, Tarski is a powerful and an indispensable tool, not only in philosophy but also in any natural science – in psychology especially. It should be equally respected together with empirical analysis and even it is recommended that it should precede any further research. Therefore, the book Analiza i konstrukcja: o metodach badania pojęć w Szkole Lwowsko-Warszawskiej [Analysis and construction: on the methods of researching concepts in the Lvov-Warsaw School] can be recommended to philosophers as well as scientists.
Chavdar Parushev’s monograph is a study of the literary genre of anti-utopia, situating the latter in a complex web of mutual determination together with the genres of utopia, science fiction and satire. The central analytical instrument developed in this study is the so-called ‘Plato’s lens’ which makes it possible to center thought about these genres around the relation between subject and state. Thus the development in time of new forms and technologies for relating subject and state leads to new developments in the anti-utopian genre, which becomes a way to think about the crises of producing human meaning. The monograph traces many crises of this kind, including examples from history which have overtaken fiction. It thus demonstrates the important uses of anti-utopia, in times of accelerating change in what it means to be human.
Review of: Faces, icons and books for the soul: Moldavians in Ukraine, Ukrainians in Moldavia. Testimonies of sacred art; 16th-19th centuries, exhibition organized by the Metropolitan Museum of Iași between April 14 and August 14, 2022, to support Ukrainian refugees. Vladimir Ivanovici and Alice Isabella Sullivan (eds), Natural Light in Medieval Churches, Series: East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450, Volume 88 Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2023 Daniela Marcu Istrate, Church Archaeology in Transylvania. (ca. 950 to ca. 1450), Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2022, 522 p. Daniela Marcu Istrate, Dan Ioan Mureșan and Gabriel Tiberiu Rustoiu (eds), Christianization in Early Medieval Transylvania. The Oldest Church in Transylvania and Its Interpretation, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2022, 499 p. Mihail K. Qaramah, O istorie a Molitfelnicului Românesc. Evoluția formularelor Sfintelor Taine (sec. xvi-xvii) [A History of the Romanian Euchologion: The Evolution of the formularies of the Sacraments (16th -17th c.)], Alba Iulia, Editura Reîntregirea, 2022, 310 p.
Book review: Балканските култури: диалог, трансфер, метаморфози. Под ред. Орлин Събев, Лора Тасева, Антоанета Балчева. София, ИБЦТ – БАН, 2023, 234 с., ISBN 978-619-7179-38-5 [The Balkan Cultures: Dialogue, Transfer, Metamorphoses. Ed. Orlin Sabev, Lora Taseva, Antoaneta Belcheva. Sofia, IBSCT – BAS, 2023].
A review of the book "Process Approach in Education. Development of Key Competences through Philosophy and Civic Education. Theory and Practice" (published by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences "Prof. Marin Drinov", 2024, 350 p. ISBN 978-619-245-430-2). The monograph examines the theoretical and practical aspects of the possibilities of forming the competencies of critical thinking, creativity, civic engagement and media literacy through the teaching of philosophy and civic education.