O příznacích totality ve všedním životě a jejich uměleckém zobrazení
Klimeš, Ivan and Jan Wiendl (eds). Kultura a totalita, Vol. 4: Každodennost. Prague: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, 2016, 442 pp., ISBN 978-80-7308-701-2. The reviewed publication is the last volume of the remarkable collective publication project comprehensively titled "Culture and Totalitarianism", in which its editors, film historian Ivan Klimeš and literary historian Jan Wiendl, attempt to present the notion of “totalitarianism” through an analysis of its manifestations in art and culture in the Czech public space in the 19th and 20th century, since the national renaissance until the fall of the Communist regime. They approach the notion of totalitarianism in an innovative and unconventional manner, reflecting it not primarily in a political framework, but against a broader backdrop, using an interdisciplinary interconnection of philosophy and selected art disciplines. While the previous volumes were examining manifestations of the broadly defined totalitarianism inconnection with the topics of nation, war, and revolution, the final one, titled "Everydayness", focuses on manifestations of totalitarianism in artistic depictions of everydayness. The reviewer presents in detail the initial, more general studies, as well as different case analyses and insights into the history of literature, film, and theatre, concluding that the publication is an inspiration for interested parties from many fields and it has succeeded in meeting its objective