Книги 2011 г.
Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year
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Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year
Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year
This article introduces Tod Browning’s 1932 film Freaks, in conversation with nineteenth century carnival and fair practices and further explains the creation and development of the freakshow. In tandem with theoretical work by authors such as Judith Butler, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Adrianna Cavarero and Lennard Davis, the article positions the freakshow within disability and trauma through the notions of ‘staring’, ‘normal’ and ‘horrorism’. Using two contemporary texts such as American Horror Story: Freakshow and the reality television series Freakshow, this article firstly introduces these texts thematically before analysing all three in conversation with one another as a means of further contextualizing the role of the freakshow in contemporary cultural products, then connecting these texts to the notion of violence and the use of disability as a tool for horror. The article concludes that although the freakshow has been dismantled in the literal sense, the obvious bodily difference that predicates it still remains present in today’s cultural sphere.
The introductory article of the first issue of 'Medialog' journal presents the new academic journal, part of a new media culture portal. 'Medialog' is a journey into the media worlds. 'Medialog' is an invitation to dialogue addressed to academic researchers and university lecturers, PhD students and students; to all who are curious to understand something more and different about media, communications and culture.
A review of Ivaylo Dichev’s book „Cultural scenes of the political”
Determining the structuring models of communication in the plane of cinema art – the paradigms of communication in the field of art that mediate not only the interactions in the ‘author-film-audience’ relation but also function as implicit premises, both in the creation of a film and the establishment of its expressional, emotional and meaning consistency, and in its being perceived, experienced and understood by each separate viewer, as well as by the audience as a whole – would contribute to the restored legitimacy of cinema as an art in the current informational and cultural contexts.
Selected bibliography in the field of Bulgarian Studies published in the current year.
The article’s goal is to imagine a productive form of teaching creative writing as part of a Master's program in fields only remotely connected to literature and literary studies, such as digital media and videogames research. The text begins with a discussion on talent as the ability to perceive and submit to adequate and working models of writing. The topic is then further developed by analyzing talent within the framework of specific creative tools such as close reading and worldbuilding. Finally, the idea of creative writing as a model oriented and model guided activity is connected to the nature of the computer game as a space inhabited by a variety of new discourses, which the player - like a careful and attentive reader – has to learn to read and work with, thus making them part of her personal experience.
A review of the collection “The Soft power of popular music in media (by examples from Bulgaria and the Balkans”, comp. Lozanka Peicheva. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press, 2020 (160 p.). The collection is part of research collective’s work on the eponymous scientific project “The soft power of popular music in media (by examples from Bulgaria and the Balkans”, financed by the Bulgarian national science fund.
The study focuses on part of the submerged heritage under the waters of several dams in Bulgaria (Ovcharitsa, Rozov Kladenets and Tsonevo). Popular folk singers (Stefka Sabotinova and Penka Pavlova) and singing groups and local singers („Sminana Kitka“, Silvia Dimitrova), who keep songs from the sunken villages, are presented. The focus is on research and knowledge of folklore as a pillar of memory, in the case of the village of Asparuhovo, near and under the waters of Tsonevo Dam. Emphasis is placed on the role of various media and especially digital new media spaces for the „emergence” of the traditional song heritage from the villages left at the bottom of various dams.
Two decades after the publication of the Green Paper on the convergence (1997), radio and television are not only creating and disseminating more and more digital content through digital technologies but are striving for an increasingly integrated online presence. Along with search engines, internet platforms have become an important intermediary between media service providers and audiences whose habits have changed dramatically in the second decade of the 21st century. Broadcast media (BM) have no choice but to be where the users of media content are - content of different quality, origin, purpose, logic of distribution. At the same time, audiences are overwhelmed with mis- and disinformation, which often comes from fake pages and profiles posing as legitimate media organizations, and set against trustworthy media and journalists from public figures. This creates an information crisis, which can be counteracted both by legislative measures and by empowering the audience with media literacy. And while the implementation of educational reform is a slow process, the BM, which still have the largest audiences and are most trusted, can play an essential role in increasing the media literacy of citizens. A function of great public importance, at the same time entirely in their interest.
Content of the main Bulgarian scientific journals for the current year in linguistics, literature, history, folklore, ethnography, archaeology and art studies
In the thirteenth century, in the calendar of the Catholic Church, a special day is established to honour the Holy Communion – the bread and the wine, turned into the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. The feast is celebrated everywhere in the Catholic world with a solemn liturgy and a procession. The article presents in a comparative perspective fieldwork observations and documentation of this Catholic feast in two villages in Bulgaria and in Poland: the village of Oresh, Svishtov region (in 1995 and 2015) and the village of Złaków Kościelny, Łowicz district, Łódź voivodeship (in 2016). The author outlines the specific characteristics in performing of the feast in the two communities (Corpus Christi in Oresh; Boże Ciało in Złaków Kościelny), conditioned by differences in the confessional and cultural history as well as by different conditions of practicing the religious traditions.The comparative study shows the significance of local identity, expressed through elements of inherited traditional culture. For the Bulgarian Catholics, cultural identity is affirmed mainly through their religious affiliation, which is different from the official Orthodox religion, predominant in the country. The revival of the festive Catholic processions in modern times is an expression of the desire for a sustainable connection with the restored family and community confessional tradition. An essential expression of the local specificity in the religious festivity of the inhabitants of the Polish village is the adherence to traditional elements of the folklore culture, which have cultivated the local religious tradition.
The text presents the main conclusions based on the study of the political messages in the Turkish series broadcasted on Bulgarian television and on Netflix. The main political messages in the series, showed on Bulgarian television, are the responsibility for decisions, connect with the life of a woman and a child. Among the important political topics are: migration, education abroad and returning home, conflicts between rich and poor.
Review of Rosemary Statelova's latest book ‘The Story of a Musicologist’ (Sofia: Riva, 2020). The book, defined as ‘memoir-autobiography’, is not only a biography of Rosemary Statelova, her family and professional environment, but also a biographical history of the packed Bulgarian time in the last 70 years, structured as fragments of memories and texts.
Né à Turnu-Severin (Roumanie) en 1942, fils de Nicolae Foarță, médecin, et de Yvonne Foarță, née Burger, professeure de musique, Șerban Foarță a fait ses études à la Faculté de Philologie de l’Université de Timișoara (1960-1965), spécialisation roumain-allemand. En 1978, il a soutenu sa thèse de doctorat en littérature dans le cadre de la même université, thèse publiée deux années plus tard : Eseu asupra poeziei lui Ion Barbu [‘Essai sur la poésie d’Ion Barbu’], Timișoara, éditions Facla, 1980. Il a été professeur à la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de l’Ouest,à Timișoara, de 1992 à 2005. Membre de l’Union des Écrivains de Roumanie, Șerban Foarță est premièrement poète, essayiste, prosateur et critique littéraire. Il est trèsconnu pour sa poésie qui, lui a valu non seulement desprix littéraires mais surtout une large reconnaissance auprès de ses lecteurs: Simpleroze (Timișoara, éditions Facla,1978); Șalul, eșarpele Isadorei / Șalul e șarpele Isadorei (Bucarest,éditions Litera, 1978); Holorime (Bucarest, éditionsLitera, 1986) et nombre d’autres volumes après 1989. Il atraduit en vers les livres poétiques de la Bible (Hexachordos: Psalmii. Ecleziastul. Cantarea Cantarilor. Iov. Psalmii lui Solomon. Odele, pre stihuri retocmite; Timișoara, éditions Brumar, 2011). Il a traduit des poèmes de la littérature française médiévale, y compris les fatrasies de Philippede Beaumanoir (dans la plaquette 33 de fatrazii, Bucarest,éditions Art, 2008). Cependant son début en tantque poète, avant la publication de la première plaquette (Texte pentru Phoenix, Bucarest, éditions Litera, 1976) s’est fait dans deux LP. Ses vers ont été enregistrés par Phoenix en 1974 (Mugur de Fluier) et 1976 (Cantafabule).