Film i media – przeszłość i przyszłość. Kontynuacje
The collective work edited by Andrzej Gwóźdź and Magdalena Kempna-Pieniążek and published within the “Biblioteka Kwartalnika Filmowego” [Library of Kwartalnik Filmowy] – the book series under the auspices of “Kwartalnik Filmowy” [Film Quarterly], prepared by the Department of Cultural Anthropology, Film and Audivisual Arts of the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The volume “Film and Media – the Past and the Future. Continuation”, prepared in cooperation with the Department of Film and Media Studies of the University of Silesia in Katowice, is the aftermath of the First Congress of Film Studies and Media Studies Researchers, which took place in June 2013 in Kamień Śląski (Poland). The book gathers twelve articles based on the papers presented at the congress and concerning a wide range of issues, such as biographical film, film noir and neo-noir, crowdsourcing films and crowdfunding, paranoid conspiracy thriller, Polish feminist movement, performance or art of acting. The volume is accompanied by English abstracts of the articles.