The Interdependency Between the Three Pillars of Sustainable Development Through the Current Concerns Relating to Water in Hajdúböszörmény
The current contribution forms part of the research project carried out under the title “Roles and instruments of local governments in the realization of ecological sustainability”. It wishes to focus on Hajdúböszörmény, which is a Hungarian settlement lying at the junction of the Nyírség and the Hajdúság, along main road No 35. Thus, it is situated in the Northern Great Plain region, more specifically in Hajdú–Bihar County. Hajdúböszörmény occupies 370.8 km² and Bodaszőlő, Pród, Rét, Telekföld, Vid, and Zelemér belong to the inhabited part of its periphery. Hajdúböszörmény’s population is roughly 31,000 inhabitants, that is, 0.32 per cent of Hungary’s population, and its population density is 84 person/km2. Regarding the research projects and this essay, two remarks have to be made. On the one hand, although the project focuses on the ecological sustainability, this study will necessarily examine all three pillars (environmental, social, and economic) of sustainable development. On the other hand, the present research endeavours to highlight water, and so the other environmental elements are excluded from its scope. While conducting this research, we mainly relied on the minutes of the meeting of the Municipal Council, as in our opinion these provide the most up-to-date source of information relating to the challenges the Municipality of Hajdúböszörmény has to face. These sources were supplemented, among others, with local decrees and decisions, environmental status reports, and integrated urban strategies.