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In today’s datacenters, the unexpected increase of virtual and physical servers has led to exponential increases in data-transfer volumes, bandwidth bottlenecks, and connectivity costs. This growth causes major problems for IT managers as they struggle to see more cost-effective, scalable ways to manage the increasing complexity of servers and their associated LAN and SAN environments. Virtualization is a general term that could be applied to: storage systems, databases and networks. In this article, I present an overview of server virtualization architecture. I also specify the goals and benefits of virtualization for a SMB. The article points out some issues about server virtualization: definition, implementing problems and security features. In case of major calamity, you need a disaster recovery plan. The article lists a series of differences and similar parts of DR planning and business continuity plan.
Prema predviđanjima mnogih relevantnih stručnjaka i vizionara, tehnologija koja će obeležiti ovaj vek, biće svakako nanotehnologija. U tehnološkom smislu, operisaće se sa atomima i molekulima, i ova nova tehnologija daće veliki doprinos svim granama društva, posebno medicini, informatici, vojnoj industriji, i dr. Kraj murovog zakona koji se najavljuje, biće platforma za proizvodnju novih čipova od ugljeničnih nano-cevi, koji će pokretati mnoge nano uređaje budućnosti. U razvijenim zemljama već se ulažu velika sredstva za proizvode ove vrste, ali prava implementacija po predviđanjima vizionara kao što je Mičio Kaku, predstoji tek za 50-tak godina. Promena načina života koja nas očekuje, izazov je za sve, tako da ova tehnologija i pored negativnih i nepoznatih efekata, tj. još neistraženih, svakim danom dobija sve veću popularnost kako u naučnim krugovima tako i u svakodnevnom životu.
U ovom radu smo predstavili jedan način procesiranja slike. Akcenat je stavljen na mogućnosti programskog jezika Mathematica i njegovu integraciju sa Java servisima za rad sa bazama podataka primenom DatabaseLink tehnologije. Ova tehnologija obezbeđuje skup alata koji omogućavaju pogodnu integraciju programskog paketa Mathematica sa sistemom za upravljanje bazama podataka. Mathematica obezbeđuje i ugrađenu podršku za programsku i interaktivnu obradu slike koja je u potpunosti integrisana sa moćnim matematičkim i algoritamskim mogućnostima. Omogućava kreiranje i importovanje slike, manipulisanje njima pomoću ugrađenih funkcija, kao i primenu linearnih i nelinearnih filtera za njih.
The article provides an overview of new innovative food products. The author covers the definition of “novel food” in the relevant regulations, and gives examples of such kind of foods and their nutrition value. She also looks at the results of consumer opinion surveys about various kinds of novel foods, as well as proposal of a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on novel foods of December 2013 which specifies how the novel foods may be placed on the EU market.
The paper discusses the state of environment in Rozaje, a town in the north of Montenegro, whose territory is, to the north, northeast and northwest, bordering with Serbia. Special attention in the working paper was paid to solid waste, wastewater, and the presentation of the most important natural resources, which are characteristic for Rozaje. Among these resources, a special position have water and forests, so there has to be devoted adequate attention, so the next generation can benefit from them. Otherwise, if such a trend of irresponsive relationship to natural resources continues, migration and emigration processes of future generations will be even more evident.