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Legal and economic aspects of Services of General Economic Interest in EU were discussed. Theoretical and empirical information came from European Commission and Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. Main beneficiaries of state aid in 2009-2011 were: United Kingdom (tenement housing sector, air transport), Latvia (waste and water services), Czech Republic (hospitals), Slovenia (long-term care), Slovakia (health centers, public broadcasting), Spain (hospitals, maritime transport). Poland supported sectors of transport (47%), energy (27%), waste and water management (10%), natural gas (8%). Clash between competition policy principles and priorities of EU entails the process of sectors’ liberalization determined by socio-economic and political factors, such as technological progress and a level of Member States’ economic development.
The issue of terrorism in tourism is prioritized by the choice of the "soft target" to achieve political goals of terrorists. Estimated risks threaten all subjects in tourism industry and above all to the national economy which thus remains without a significant inflow of funds in its budget. Therefore, the risk management of terrorism is a common need and responsibility of public and private sector in securing the safety of tourists and local residents, which makes security as an necessary prerequisite for profit. The paper discusses the tendency of increasing terrorist threats in the tourism and joint strategies and constraints of all stakeholders in the prevention and combating of threats based on risk assessment and impact analysis.
In the paper, the authors are observing escalation of sport fans violence in Serbia, its main features, roots and causes, forms of manifestation with special em-phasis on the role of juveniles in this form of crime. Special attention is paid to the ambivalent role of the media and overall social reaction to this phenomenon. Authors conclude that insisting solely on administrative and repressive measures cannot lead to sustainable results. Having that in mind they argue for comprehensive analysis of the problem and developing the strategy for prevention and repression of violence connected with sport manifestations in order to built strategy, as the only acceptable solution for solving problem of hooliganism.
notes on: --------------------------- Areti Georgiadou, "Das Leben zerfetzt sich mir in tausend Stücke" Biography of Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Frankfurt / New York, 1995
Many textile fabrics produced nowadays are very different in their physical–mechanical properties. One of the deformation characteristics of textile materials encountered in garment wear is tension. Half-cycled tensile properties have been established in this research applying specimens tensile until breaking and under fixed load.
In this work the European Wind Atlas, which contains wind energy resources, was used for the calculation of wind turbine project payback. It was concluded that the most substantial wind energy resources are located at the seaside of Lithuania. The Weibull distribution of wind speeds was applied for the calculation of energy produced by wind turbines, and wind energy volumes were calculated using software from www.windpower.org. The work contains an overview of wind turbine designs and a possibility of the analysis of wind turbine connection to the electricity supply networks. Based on this the wind turbine park maintenance costs were calculated. The work also contains a comparative research of the wind turbine power stations and payback analysis of the wind turbine power station park in V_žaiciai.
Cracks in reinforced concrete structures occur in the process of production, transportation, assembling and usage. Experiments show that distances between usual cracks in the zone of pure bending of reinforced beams is practically the same. The number of cracks in the beam remains more or less constant till the start of flow of main reinforcement. On the assumption that there are no plastic strains between cracks in concrete blocks the problem of stress distribution by the means of methods used in elastic theory can be solved. The state of stress in concrete blocks of beams is determined by the means of the net method. The element with cracks is covered with a net so that the lines in the net coincided with the crack. The apex of the crack is to be on the spot of the net by all means. Calculations prove that the state of stress in cracked reinforced concrete beams changes in comparison with that in elastic stage. Vertical and horizontal normal stresses depend on the height of cracks and the distance between them.
The bicycle is a mode of transport that is why there are high requirements for the safety of its exploitation. Testing of bicycles and their different components is described in the article. The purpose of this testing is that the bicycle passes safety requirements and the manufacturer can avoid repeated testing as it is expensive and extends the preparation of a new article for the production. In this paper we described treatments of different components of the bicycle (frame, wheel, brake, fork, etc.), which were done at Šiauliai University, Centre of Technological Treatment. The results of these treatments are set out in the article. Testing shows that most secure parts of the bicycle are the wheel and the fork of the front wheel. Supporting wheels and brakes are least secure components of the bicycle.