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Jacques Lacan’s ambiguous relation to Continental philosophy provides the perks of restoring the affinity between the “first philosophy” in an Aristotelian sense and Psychoanalysis as a practice, i.e. a re-writing of the subject, while at the same time assuming the failure of the so-called Metaphysical modern subject. According to Lacan, the redefined clinical Anxiety and the Freudian Unheimlich that indicate the Real as an impossible, prove the error of Descartes, who claimed to have forged a knowledge (savoir) based on the cogito. Therefore, the last revolution of Modern Philosophy would be the one of Lacanian psychoanalysis, bearing the mark of the Unconscious, of the object a and of the Thing (das Ding), reenacted within the confines of radical lack
This paper could be regarded as an effort towards a philosophical interpretation based on chapters XXIII to XXV of Seminar III – The Psychoses by Jacques Lacan. Itis structured following Lacan’s line of thought and argumentation as it can be traced in the afore mentioned chapters of Book III. Lacan aims at determining the specific markers of psychosis by a careful examination of the famous case of Daniel Paul Schreber, the distinguished German jurist from the 19th century who has gone mad. At the origin of the constitution of the subject’s psychic structure there is this fundamental, pre-linguistic experience of the rapport to the presence of the radical Other (A) - an experience which in turn determines the subject’s symbolic structure. Essentially there are two possible modes of positioning: the future subject can choose to put itself in a position of receptivity - this would be the Freudian Bejahung – or it can choose to radically reject this presence (the dimension of the signifier in its radical otherness) – this being the Freudian Verwerfung or the Lacanian foreclosure. In the latter case something as a psychotic structure emerges. A fundamental or a rather exceptional signifier has thus been rejected; in Schreber’s or any psychotic’s case it is the paternal signifier (Name-of-the-Father) as the principle of revelation, particularly the principle of procreation. The crucial moment of the triggering of (of) the Schreberian psychosis is when the subject finds itself confronted with a fundamental signifier, which emanates as an interpellation from the radical Other (A) but cannot be accommodated by an already established subjective structure.
In this paper, the authors’ collective is presenting a questionnaire, designed and tested by them for the regular evaluation of the educational environment in high schools. It consists of 50 multiple choice questions about quality of learning and relations between school children and teachers. The questionnaire was tested on the students of three high schools in Varna. It was distributed to male and female students of the 9th, 10th and 11th grades. The data set consists of 693 respondents − schoolboys and girls characterized by their answers to 50 questions each one ranked by values from 1 to 5. Non-hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to find patterns of similarity between the questions or between the pupils. The results verified the constructive value of the questionnaire as a method of evaluation of the educational environment in high schools.
The text shows book by Professor Maria Dudzikowa entitled Difficult art of self-creation in two ways: the first (conventional) – through the abstract and the second (teleological) – guessing the goal of writing that guided the outstanding humanist.
How many are the Rāmas? Rāmaṉ ettaṉai Rāmaṉaṭi is a popular movie song. Kṛṣṇa is here (Kurukṣetra), yonder(Bṛndāvana) and everywhere (minds of devotees). The two are the principal characters in the hymns of the Āḻvārs that lead to meditate on Kṛṣṇaism and Rāmaism. They are one with the avatāras of Viṣṇu, and at the same time on either polarity from the feminine point of view; Rāma is ekapatnīvratin and Kṛṣṇa’s anekapatnī. TheĀḻvārs, cf. hymns bearing on divyadeśa-Pullāṇi (Tirumaṅkai in Periya Tirumoḻi), and some north Indian folk songs view Rāma, the beloved of several lovesick maidens. The article proposes to discover Rāma in the Bṛndāvana (cf. Fig. 5), not Aśoka-vanaṃ. In either case, philosophically the several lively women are paśus committed to ātmanivedana due to virahabhakti.
This text comprises an attempt to analyze the stereotype of Pole and Russian in British and American culture seen through the dimension of the context of Russian and Polish proper name in contemporary British and American literature. The category of the personality traits and characteri stics traditionally attributed to a Pole and a Russian in British and American culture manifests itself in the associations and connotations of Polish and Russian proper name in British and American literary context. The author undertakes an attempt to define the common and distinctive features of both stereotypes at the background of other Slavonic stereotypes in British and Ameri can culture.
In the article, on the example of modem Polish and Russian languages (confrontative formu lation), the language-reaction analysis has been performed on computerization and development of informative infrastructure. Relying on ample exemplary material, there has been determined a considerable impact of computer language upon manners of communication of modem society; the decline of particular forms e.g. traditional letter in favour of electronic mail. Moreover, there has been emphasized the activation of tendency to structural abbreviation of a word as well as many new language creations have been established under the influence of language borrowings. Furthermore, in the article, there have been exposed frequently dissimilar effects of word- formation structure of computer terms borrowed from English which predominantly result from typological differences of analyzed languages. The issue of semantic modification of the words is one of the most interesting aspects of the influence of words from computer range upon the system of modem Polish and Russian langu ages. The phenomenon of meaning enlargement through, so called, „transfer”, e.g. mysz (myszka) - мышь (мышка), pamięć - память has been described in the article. There is also ascertained a high derivative potential of borrowed Anglicisms in both language systems, typological variety and a great number of derivations (e.g. haker > hakerski, сканер > сканировать, супер-ЭВМ, SMS, SDI, ПК, OC etc.). As it seems, common computer usage has brought to a turning point, not only technology but also culture and linguistics. Observed processes of internationalism are still getting stronger.