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Cash flows from destinations to sending homes may capture a core feature of remittance practices, yet, like the act of migrating, the flows do not take place in a vacuum. Rather they are part of a complex and dynamic system linking movers and non-movers. While the complex dynamism of remittance practices can be a challenge, as the articles included in this volume of Remittance Reviews note, understanding is within our reach.
For the first time, the article analyses certain aspects of Russian poetry of the “Silver Age” in order to identify the rudiments or features which are characteristic of the postmodern creative paradigm. It is noted that a number of poets almost do not have any postmodernist tendencies. Despite the fact it is proved that postmodernism denies the personality-centric and aesthetically oriented concept of modernism, it nevertheless arose on the basis of modernism and has sharpened evolutionary features formulated in the first half of the 20th century. The article aims to prove a hypothesis that arises in the authors during a preliminary perceptual reading of the poets` works of the “Silver Age”: in the early 20th century. Sporadically and consistently in individual authors can be observed irony, play, reconstruction and performance as precursor of postmodernist creative thinking. Specialties of the Russian poetry of the “Silver Age”, which directly correlate with postmodernist tendencies of the second half of the 20th century is not a description itself, but the realization of reality, ambivalence, as well as following the linguistic and figurative, conceptual, motive levels of gradual transitions between the paradigms of “symbolism – modernism” and “modernism – postmodernism”. The international significance of the article is that the material of one of the Eastern European literatures has proved the existence of postmodern (quasi-postmodern) features in the first half of the 20th century for the first time, which can serve as a deeper research in the field of literary typology, continuity; culturology and anthropology.
The Land of the Moti.The Land of Legends. The land of righteous, courageous and hardworking people. The Land of the Human Heart in the Land of good people. The land of the Apuseni Mountains, where the sun never sets. Because he always rises in the hearts of people these places. Vertical and Beautiful.
Review of: NAE, A.: Immersion, Narrative and Gender Crisis in Survival Horror Video Games. London, New York : Routledge, 2022. 223 p. ISBN 978-1-003-01902-2.
Review of: LEVY, S. (Director): Free Guy. [DVD]. Los Angeles, CA : 20th Century Studios, 2021.
Review of: RUFFINO, P. (ed.): Independent Videogames: Cultures, Networks, Techniques and Politics. London, New York : Routledge, 2021. 302 p. ISBN 978-0-367-33620-2.
The Chinese market has been an enticing target for digital games producers for quite some time. With an enormous potential player base and the Chinese government opening up to more digital game releases in the country, producing games with demographic and regional restrictions in mind could be seen as a potential boost to sales and revenues.
The digital-gaming industry is a place notorious for two problems: crunches and ever-present sexism. In this context, it seems that 2021 has not been kind to Activision Blizzard, or at least to its top representatives, although Activision Blizzard is not the only name shaken by accusations of macho culture, a toxic environment, or sex-based discrimination.
Castlevania, the Japanese action-adventure digital games series developed by Konami, has enjoyed an exceptional status since its debut in 1986. From early consoles to OTT platforms, the franchise has been widely adapted.
The article is dedicated to the memory of Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Professor, Doctor of Science in Philology Aleh Antonavich Lojka. Most of the life of the famous scientist and writer was associated with the Belarusian State University. A.A. Lojka entered the university in 1948 and until the end of his life considered himself a “university student”. The book “My BSU”, written in 2005–2006, remained unpublished. It includes memoirs “From my recollections of a university student”, “Memories from the socalled social life”, notes “In search of teaching skills” and “Philological poem”. The article for the first time provides information about the history and composition of this book, using archival material.
The prose poetry book Fires (1936) by M. Yourcenar can be read through two prisms–through the prism of the theatre of life and through the prism of the scene of death. The last scene of “Patroclus, or, Destiny” gives a kind of negative to the idea of a masquerade ball: the unmasking of Penthesilea reveals another mask–the death mask. The notion of a death mask is introduced in the framework of Belting, Blanchot, Nancy to analyze the death of Penthesilea as her last gift to Achilles. I use the concept of death in “Patroclus, or, Destiny” as an autotextual introduction to Yourcenar’s great novel Memoirs of Hadrian.