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We live in extraordinary times for cosmologists. A vast amount of new astronomical data is pushing our model of the universe to its limits. An interest in cosmology is growing. The Little Book of Cosmology by Lyman Page offers a concise, up-to-date, and comprehensible introduction to the subject.
This review article presents an important, newly published study of Popper’s critical method by Zbigniew Liana. The review emphasizes the very high level of the study, points to its originality, and explains why the book is recommended mainly to specialists of Popper’s thought. It is also explained how the book manages to contain so many original and valuable analyses in a small volume.
This article is a review of Frans de Waal’s book Mama’s Lust Hugs. Animal Emotions and what They Tell Us about Ourselves, which was released in Polish in 2019. The book deals with the problem of animal emotionality. One of the author’s conclusions, which is underlined in the review, is that that there is no such thing as unique human emotions that animals would not have. Emotions are universal; they are shared by both humans and animals. Although the book is intriguing, it does not contain anything new in terms of content, as it deals with the topics that de Waal has previously addressed in his writings. The publication, on the other hand, can be an excellent starting point for reflection not just on animals (their emotionality and rights), but also on people and their place in the world, thanks to collecting and integrating topics relating to animal emotionality into a single book. It confronts the reader with the issue of human nature. As a result, as this review attempts to demonstrate, Frans de Waal’s book is an excellent example of how scientific issues lead to philosophical insights.
One of the most fundamental issues in academia today is understanding the differences between legitimate and predatory publishing. While decision-makers and managers consider journals indexed in popular citation indexes such as Web of Science or Scopus as legitimate, they use two blacklists (Beall’s and Cabell’s), one of which has not been updated for a few years, to identify predatory journals. The main aim of our study is to reveal the contribution of the journals accepted as legitimate by the authorities to the visibility of blacklisted journals. For this purpose, 65 blacklisted journals in social sciences and 2,338 Web-of-Science-indexed journals that cited these blacklisted journals were examined in-depth, in terms of index coverages, subject categories, impact factors and self-citation patterns. We have analysed 3,234 unique cited papers from blacklisted journals and 5,964 unique citing papers (6,750 citations of cited papers) from Web of Science journals. We found that 13% of the blacklisted papers were cited by WoS journals and 37% of the citations were from impact-factor journals. As a result, although the impact factor is used by decision-makers to determine the levels of the journals, it is demonstrated that there is no significant relationship between the impact factor and the number of citations to blacklisted journals.
The Law on Higher Education and Science adopted by the Polish parliament in July 2018 made extensive changes to the model of the institutional evaluation of research. The evaluated output consists mainly of papers published in scientific journals. In principle, the journals eligible for the evaluation procedure are those indexed in Scopus or WoS. The official Polish ranking of journals should reflect the metrics from these databases. The statutory enlargement of bibliometric data on the evaluation of legal papers constitutes a fundamental breach in the history of Polish legal journals. The article deals with a few questions: how representative is the application of the bibliometrics for legal publications? Is the Polish ranking of legal journals consistent with the evaluation practices in other countries? What is unique in the caesura in the history of Polish legal journals marked by the law from 2018, when compared to earlier turning points in this history? What recommendations to change the evaluation legal journals in Poland are justified? The author sees the evaluation of legal journals focused on Scopus and WoS as an unwanted revolution. Using comparative, historical and pragmatical arguments, he recommends the transformation of the revolution into evolutive modifications. This reasonable evolution should be based on two things. Firstly, replacing bibliometric evaluation with expert evaluation. Secondly, more legal journals should be eligible in the evaluation process: journals indexed in ERIH+ and HeinOnline, and journals included in the official journal lists of countries other than Poland, should be taken into account.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate Polish agricultural law periodicals in comparison with their Western European counterparts. In particular, the evaluation takes into account the mission of the periodicals, their thematic scope, the layout and language of the texts published, and the circle of their addressees-readers. With consideration given to the length of time that such periodicals have been on the publishing market and their publication output, the Italian context is the first to be taken into account, before attention turns to German, French, and Spanish periodicals. The author concludes that agricultural law periodicals were established at different stages in the development of this branch of law. The oldest one (Rivista di Diritto Agrario) brought the name of this new normative matter into scientific circulation, and subsequently contributed to both the separation of agricultural law in the system of law and its further development. Other periodicals (Agrar- und Umweltrecht, Revue de Droit Rural and Revista de Derecho Agrario y Alimentrario) were established in the 1970s and 1980s, with a view to strengthening the science of agriculturallaw and its influence on the practice of law-making and application. In this light, Polish agricultural law periodicals look somewhat inferior, as they are characterized by a short period of functioning on the publishing market. The future of the periodical Przegląd Prawa Rolnego (Agricultural Law Review), the only agricultural law journal in Poland, is under threat, due to the fact that authors now tend to submit articles on agricultural law to other, more highly-ranked journals.
The aim of the article is to provide an overview of the achievements of selected representatives of Poznań studies on international law, whose writings have been published in the previous volumes of the Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny [Journal of Law, Economics and Sociology]: Bohdan Winiarski, Alfons Klafkowski, Krzysztof Skubiszewski, Bolesław Wiewióra, Jan Sandorski, Jerzy Tyranowski, Tadeusz Gadkowski, and Anna Michalska. The article considers a selection of papers representative for the main directions of research conducted by three generations of international lawyers from Poznań's Department of Public International Law. The topics covered are as follows: the relationship between international law and national law, the sources of international law, international river law, international law of armed conflict and international responsibility, the law of international organizations, international protection of human rights, territory and recognition in international law, and nuclear law.
The aim of the article is to present a fragmentary and partially subjective assessment of the current state of Polish economics journals from a historical perspective. This assessment is based primarily on the author’s long-term and varied participation in the creation of certain economics journals and his contribution to their content, as well as on the experience of participating in various types of bodies evaluating scientific achievements based increasingly on articles published in economics journals. The author’s hour-long talks with the editors-in-chief of four economics magazines were also very useful in preparing the text. These were: Bank i Kredyt, E-mentor, Gospodarka Narodowa, and Journal of Management and Economics.
This occasional text was prepared to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the journal Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny (RPEiS). In the modern, highly turbulent world – a world of growing uncertainty concerning the future directions of changes, where Taleb’s black swan syndrome seems to be intensifying – achieving long duration can be considered as a success in itself. With regard to RPEiS, there are many indications that the source of the journal’s long-term success is its interdisciplinary nature, as well as the high substantive quality and holistic nature of the texts published. They have all the following qualities: scientific and research focused, popularizing, educational, and expert-consultative. This creates a favourable basis for the development of a relatively new research trend, namely the economic analysis of law. This is all the more important as this area of scientific research is still rather underestimated in Poland.
The paper discusses two important trends that have shaped research in the economic sciences over the last two decades. The first one is the growing interdisciplinarity of economic research. The second one is the impact of technological changes on research in the economic sciences. The paper presents the author’s systematization of these problems.
The aim of the paper is to present, from a historical perspective, the evolution of the system of academic advancement in Poland, with particular emphasis on solutions from the period following the start of the political transformation. The author uses elements of the analysis and conceptual apparatus typical for institutional economics, both in the variant sometimes referred to as the old institutional economics, and in the so-called new institutional economics. The analysis of changes in the system of academic advancement in Poland in the period after independence was regained in 1918, and especially in the period after World War II, shows that the changes were clearly evolutionary, rather than revolutionary. This occurred with clear path dependence and the important role, next to formal institutions related to legislative changes, of informal institutions in the area of tradition, custom and discussion about the response to incentives.
The article describes the proper way to review scientific work from the field of the penal sciences. It includes an outline and discussion of all the necessary elements of a scientific review. The appropriate methodology of a criminal-law scientific study is also presented. Finally, a model for an optimal scientific review is proposed.
Gustian comprehension of society calls for interdisciplinary study. Every social science uses others' knowledge to develop its own. The book “Phishing phools” is an example of social science interactions. Through sociological, cultural-anthropological and psychological knowledge, George A. Arkel of and Robert J. Shiller develop a new understanding of the market and economic theory. Their discovery also has implications in understanding the role of the state in the economy. Through storytelling and simple use of words, the book strengthens the idea of collaboration between social sciences. All these interactions define society as a whole and each element must be understood, for a better comprehension of the social environment.