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The review is part of the field of studies dedicated to Late Antiquity, presenting the book of the author Nelu Zugravu, Ammianus Marcellinus and the culture of violence in the fourth century, has as subject one of the important aspects that characterize the Roman world of the fourth century: violence and its various forms of manifestation.
The article presents a critical analysis of a monograph by Gavin Miller, Science Fiction and Psychology (2020), and offers a subjective reading of the book. The author of the article believes that Miller’s book presents an inspirational and thorough reading of the classical and contemporary science fiction which revises the interaction between two spheres of human activity, cultural and scientific. By analyzing the presence of utopian thinking which provides the groundwork for Miller’s considerations, the author notes that the scholar places great emphasis on scientific discourse and methodology.
Bárdi Nándor – Éger György – Filep Tamás Gusztáv (szerk.): Magyarok Romániában (1990–2015). Tanulmányok az erdélyi magyarságról. Kriterion Könyvkiadó: Kolozsvár, 2020. 354 oldal
Ádám Bíborka: Román emlékünnepségek Háromszéken. Etnicitás és reprezentáció. Kriza János Néprajzi Társaság: Kolozsvár, 2020. 275 oldal
Book review: Bulgarian Literature as World Literature, Edited by Mihaela P. Harper and Dimitar Kambourov, New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, iv + 283 pp. ISBN: HB: 978-1-5013-4810-5; ePDF: 978-1-5013-4812-9; eBook: 978-1-5013-4811-2.
Book review: Cleo Protokhristova. The Literary Twentieth Century: Synchronic Cuts and Diachronic Projections. Plovdiv, Paisii Hilendarski University Press, 2020.
Book review: Mladen Vlashki. Kafka’s Reception in Bulgaria until 1989. Plovdiv, Stranitza Publishing House, 2020.
Scientific review of a publication on the history of the school in Wysoka village near Wadowice. The author drew in it, inter alia, attention that the thematic scope of the publication is wider than declared by the authors, because the history of the school has become a pretext for discussing the most important rural institutions.
The publication about the history of the school in Zakrzow is part of the extensive research of the local community conducted by one of the authors – professor Andrzej Nowakowski. The history of the village and parish was presented against the broader background of the history of education and sports in Zakrzow.
An extensive review of the monograph, the protagonist of which is Emil Zegadłowicz and the theme of his work. The Author thoroughly analyzes the individual parts of the publication and the articles published in them, paying attention to the high substantive level of the book, complemented by an excellent graphic design.