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The aim of this articleis to analyze and compare the researchin the magazine “Epochs”, which wasmade for the Newest and General history, from 1993 till 2018. Statistics showthatinthis period there were 102 articles published, which were regarding the New General history, the Modern General history, the history of Russia and the history of the Balkan nations, which is approximately 15.1% out of all 644 articles. Most of the mare regarding the New history. Thereis a balanced presence of representatives from different countries, universities, institutesetc. Whenit comes to subjects of the articles the rear et womain tendencies: 1. The publications follow the personal research orientation of the author; 2.Some of the publications out line other research subjects from the General history. Thereis a wide variety of the subjects– from the politics of the Great powers to the historyof different countries, colonial an do thermatters. Articles, which wereregarding the history of Russia and the Balkan nations history, were also published. The publications were based on authoritative and diverse, evidential matterand on a high scientifically level.
In the article an attempt for a creative and civic portrait of the most popular Bulgarian historian and one of our most respected intellectuals – Prof. DSc. Andrey Pantev (hist.), is made. The stages of his construction as a scientist are characterized. The unusual breadth of his research interests, extending to the new and modern Bulgarian, Balkan, European and world history, is outlined. His unusual style of restoring the past stands out. It is understood in his specific creative laboratory. On this basis, his elegant difference among colleagues from the professional guild is shown. Special attention is paid to his civic position before and after the beginning of the democratic renewal of the country, as well as his fascinating and artistic stay in the public space and his bright presence in the development of the new Bulgarian parliamentarism. Professor AndreyPantev is shown as a gifted modern historian, an original scientist with his contributions in other fields of science, a prominent public figure and one of the greatest intellectuals of modern Bulgaria, as a true aristocrat of the spirit of European and world greatness.
Book review of: Jáki, E., & Huszák, L. (2022). Quo vadis entrepreneurship education? Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest: Hungary. ISBN | 978-963-503-909-8