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The paper briefly presents the history of Slovak studies in Bulgaria, in particular at Sofia University and at the University of Veliko Turnovo, the only Bulgarian institutions of higher learning at which the language, literature and culture of Slovakia are studied. The paper also reviews some publications, such as textbooks, phrasebooks and dictionaries, written by scholars based at these institutions.
The International Slavic Scholars Committee held its regular world congress in Belgrade from 20th August to 27th August 2018, attracting nearly 1000 participants from 43 countries. The large-scale, well-organized congress provided a forum for 115 sessions with papers, 32 thematic blocs, 9 Round Table Discussions, 3 special topics, 5 plenary papers, over 20 additional events: a slavicist literature exhibition between the two congresses, celebrations of anniversaries related to Slavic cultures, birth anniversaries of distinguished Slavic scholars etc. The overview provides detailed information about the event, emphasizing the participation of lecturers from the University of Veliko Tarnovo. Its conclusion offers a critical commentary on Bulgarian national policies with regard to Slavic scholarship.
The author presents a round table on the topic: “Play and Communicate”. It shares some highlights. The department of Pre-School Pedagogy annually holds this scientific forum on March 6 – the World Day of Speech Therapy. Students from all the “Pre-school Pedagogy and Speech Therapy” degree courses present their scientific achievements. Students, lecturers, and basic speech therapists discuss important issues in oral speech development at pre-school age.
The article examines chronologically all books by the literary critic, aesthetician, philosopher, and editor-inchief of the Misаl Magazine (1892–1907) which was extremely important for the early Bulgarian Modernism. It also analyzes the compositional and structural strategies of those books and, consequently, makes important observations on the mechanisms through which their literary-critical, theoretical and conceptual-historical messages were formulated.
A new book for teaching German as a foreign language is presented in the paper. The author, Yanka Koeva, writes about the modern dimensions of some methodological issues since learners, educational policy and social demands have changed. Considering the latest achievement in neurodidactics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics as well as the European dimensions of education policy allows the author to define the goals, principles and content of the modern foreign language teaching. Well-known traditional teaching methods are presented followed by some recently developed alternative methods. Yanka Koeva gives special attention to teaching and acquiring linguistic knowledge and skills, necessary for learners to be able to use the target language for communication; she also systematizes modern views of the teachers’ professional competencies and gives useful ideas for organizing the process of foreign language teaching.
In her monograph Rositsa Draganova introduces new data and facts in the unique process of the creation and performance of bulgarian educational system particularly in its sector dealing with musical teaching.In the first three chapters of this survey the author analyzes in details the normative documents, the pedagogic practice, the philosophic and pedagogical concepts, the published during the surveyed period textbooks, guidebooks and training materials, as well as discussions between the musical pedagogues. The last chapter of this book presents historic information on Bulgarian musical professionals who are of particular importance for the development of musical pedagogy in our country.This book presents great interest not only for the researchers in the musical pedagogy sphere and for the professionals focused on the history of Bulgarian musical culture, but also for the teachers in music at the secondary schools. It could be used as basic reference in the training of future musical pedagogues.
The article is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Prof. Marin Lyulyushev, the first dean of the Faculty of Education and the first editor-in-chief of Pedagogical Almanac. It presents his contribution to: uniting the academic community aiming to integrate teaching and research work; international cooperation – necessity and responsibility; academic writing in the creative work of teachers; the first editorial board of the journal.