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The essay reviews a recent collection of seminal critical readings of Bulgarian literature as “world literature.” Published by Bloomsbury Academic, the volume under discussion contributes to the study of the dynamic interaction of “minor” literatures with local, regional, and wider manifestations of global literary space. It is organized in four sections of thematic contributions authored by scholars from Bulgaria and beyond that discuss historical, geographical, economic, and genetic processes in the development of Bulgarian literature. The review follows the sections closely, and is attentive to specific phenomena, positions, texts, and contexts that render the concept of “minor literature” negotiable and open to reformulations. As most of the static labels are nowadays flushed into the conglomerate of “marginocentricity” and the reality of “quality literature” is no longer a criterion in the admission of local literatures to worldwide prominence, literary circulation has, to a great extent, become a function of the global market. The publication of the reviewed volume is the outcome of a vigorous effort to establish Bulgaria’s literary location within these processes and beyond them.
Prim. dr. Asim Dizdarević, dr sci.med, ljekar pedijatar, dr medicinskih nauka iz oblasti kliničke genetike. Primarijus, naučni saradnik. Poslanik u skupštini SRJ, SiCG, CG, potpredsjednik Skupštine CG u jednom mandatu. U dva mandata predsjednik Crvenog krsta Crne Gore, u dva mandata potpredsjednik Crvenog krsta Jugoslavije. Član predsjedništva Udruženja pedijatara Srbije i Crne Gore i predsjedništva pedijatrijske sekcije Društva ljekara Crne Gore, član Predsjedništva DPS Crne Gore u jednom mandatu.
The paper examines the scientific "portrait" of Pro£ Todor Balkanski, D.Sc. The reason for the appearance of this writing is that the Bulgarian linguist and historian T. Balkanski turned 7 5 in 2019. The eminent scientist is the first doctor of onomastics and linguistic archeology of Bulgarian linguistics. He is also a long-time academician at the Institute for Bulgarian Language "Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin " at the Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences. A brief overview of the works of this famous Bulgarian researcher has been made, who is the author of more than 600 articles and studies, as well as of about 50 books. His work has significant scientific contribution to Bulgarian studies, recognized and appreciated by prestigious Bulgarian and foreign scientists. Pro£ T. Balkanski, D.Sc. is a leading Bulgarian onomast and linguistic archeologist of our time.
This essay explores three prose texts published in 2021 by representatives of the Russian-Ukrainian-Jewish post-migrant generation with the focus on conflicts with their parents’ generation, which has been problematised in those novels. Gorelik’s, Kapitelman’s and Salzmann’s autofictional family stories refer to their parents’ Soviet experiences, told and pictured from a child’s perspective, and examine their mutual alienation. In the diachronic axis of the generational narrative, attempts are made to recapitulate the Soviet legacy and family migration from the transnational per- spective of arrival. The synchronic dimension of the novels deals with complicated processes of self-empowerment and critical interference with the German society. By using various aesthetic means of satire and irony, episodic-discontinuous narration and a play of changing perspectives, the texts document the sovereign self-determina- tion and self-empowerment of the post-migrant authors in the German literary scene.
This paper contains following book reviews: 1. Crime and Investigative Reporting in the UK COLBRAN, m.: Crime and Investigative Reporting in the UK. Bristol : Policy Press, 2022. 210 p. ISBN 978-1447358909. 2. From Homo Ludens to Homo Medialis: Cultural dimensions of game principles and media PRAVDOVÁ, H.: From Homo Ludens to Homo Medialis: Cultural Dimensions of Game Principles and Media. Prague : Wolters Kluwer, 2022. 132 p. ISBN 978-80- 7676-542-9.
Founded more than a century ago, in September 1919, in Cluj, the magazine "The Teacher", the press organ of the Association of Teachers of Ardeal, Banat and Hungarian parts, is a reference in the Romanian school press.The issues and situations discussed and presented in the pages and columns of this publication are more current than ever. For example, reference has always been made to the difficulties and shortcomings of the national education system, the lack of teachers, the unequal treatment between categories of civil servants, social and financial inequalities, etc.In this article, we make a brief presentation of the magazine, in its first year of publication, insisting on highlighting the aspects that shade light the situation of education in reunified Romania, as well as the solutions proposed by the signatories of the articles to improve the conditions, both for students and teachers, in the Romanian school of the time.
Games have long been recognized as valuable tools for engaging and educating students in any age group.1 There are already a number of board games and digital games that have been created with an educational purpose and which are successfully used for education. Examples include learning a foreign language2, developing problem-solving skills3, helping children with ADHD4, improving social sensitivity5 or developing critical thinking skills.6