Pęknięta „Solidarność”. Inteligencja opozycyjna a robotnicy 1964–1981
Michał Siermiński, Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy „Książka i Prasa”,2020, 476 ss.
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Michał Siermiński, Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy „Książka i Prasa”,2020, 476 ss.
Interview with Jake ATTERBY and Caitlin SYME by Victor Monnin
Review of: ATLUS: Soul Hackers 2 (PlayStation 5 version). [digital game]. Tokyo : Sega, 2022.
Review of: AVALANCHE SOFTWARE: Hogwarts Legacy. [digital game]. Burbank, CA : Warner Bros. Games, 2023.
Review of : MAZIN, G., DRUCKMANN, N. (Created by): The Last of Us. [VOD]. New York, NY : HBO Max, 2023.
The report examines Nikola Vaptsarov’s poetic talent development and his personal progress during his training in the Marine Engineering School (1926–1932). The spiritual connection in the poetry of Nikola Vaptsarov—The Sailor, between the people, the sea, and machines is being revealed in the paper. A proposal has been made about establishing a presidential award—Vaptsarov International Prize "The Sea and the Machines", which will stimulate the development of marine sciences, the education and upbringing of maritime personnel, achievements in the field of navigation safety. The international significance of the personality and poetry of Nikola Vaptsarov to the world culture is presented in an argumentative manner.
This review article is devoted to a methodological notebook published by Ukrainian polygraphers. They presented ready-to-use solutions that can be applied when investigating sabotage and espionage suspects. Among other things, the reviewed publication discusses techniques for conducting polygraph examinations and provides examples of question sets used during testing.
Son yıllarda hem küresel hem de bölgesel dinamikler dolayısıyla ağırlıklı olarak göç konusunun uluslararası boyutunu konuşsak da maalesef Türkiye’de 6 Şubat 2023 tarihinde yaşanan ve 11 ili etkileyen yıkıcı deprem felaketi, tüm ekonomik ve sosyal dinamiklerin yanı sıra felaketler sonrası ülke içi göç ve yer değiştirme konusunun da gündeme gelmesine ve tartışılmasına neden oldu. Depremler 1,8 milyonu göçmen olmak üzere bölgede yaşayan yaklaşık 16 milyon kişiyi etkilerken (Reliefweb, 2023), mevcut tahminler en az 2,7 milyon kişinin depremleri takiben ikamet yerlerini terk ettiklerini gösteriyor. Türkiye ile birlikte Suriye’yi de etkileyen depremlerde her iki ülkede yaklaşık 850 bin çocuğun da yerinden olduğu raporlanmış bulunuyor (UNICEF, 2023).