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During the Syrian conflict that sparked after the insurgency in 2011, 5,6 million Syrians sought refuge in other countries. This article looks into the informal practices that have significance in the trajectories of refugees who fled first to Turkey and then to Germany. These informal practices are directed at the facilitation of spatial and social mobilities between and within these two countries: a) cross-border migrant smuggling and, b) employment and real estate brokerage. The accounts of the research participants point to a differential moral worth attached to these two modalities of informal facilitation: they value the work of smuggling and detest the idea of other types of brokerage. These views are in direct contrast to the views by the respective states, and the article discusses the reasons behind the asymmetry of moral assessments between the refugees’ accounts and the perspective of the two states. It is argued that refugees’ differential assessment is related to how their experiences of time changed between their flight and settlement in their new homes, as well as their perception of borders.
A presentation of ‘Dubrovnik’s documents about the history of Bulgaria and the Bulgarians in 13th – 15th century. Vol. II: 1407–1505’.
A presentation of the collective monograph ‘Thessaloniki and the Bulgarians: History, Memory, Modernity’, edited by Institute of Balkan Studies and Center of Thracology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Kosta Nikolic, Yugoslavia, last days (1989–1992), book 1: All Serbs in one states, Belgrade, Službeni glasnik, 2018, 530 pages.
“THOUGHTS ON DISEASE—To soothe the imagination of the patient, in order that he may at least no longer keep on thinking about his illness, and thus suffer more from such thoughts than from the complaint itself, which has been the case hitherto—that, it seems to me, is something! and it is by no means a trifle! And now do ye understand our task?” Daybreak, 54
Zerrin Özlem Biner, States of Dispossession: Violence and Precarious Coexistence in Southeast Turkey, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020, 264 pp., (ISBN 9780812251753). Salih Can Açıksöz, Sacrificial Limbs: Masculinity, Disability, and Political Violence in Turkey, Oakland: University of California Press, 2020, 272 pp., (ISBN: 9780520305304).Reviewed by Marlene Schäfers, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom Andrew Bush, Between Muslims: Religious Difference in Iraqi Kurdistan, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2020, 240 pp., (ISBN: 9781503611436).Reviewed by Metin Atmaca, Social Sciences University of Ankara, Turkey Mneesha Gellman, Democratization and Memories of Violence: Ethnic minority rights movements in Mexico, Turkey, and El Salvador, London and New York: Routledge, 2018, 226 pp., (ISBN: 9781138597686).Reviewed by Vera Eccarius-Kelly, Siena College, United States Seevan Saeed, Kurdish Politics in Turkey: From the PKK to the KCK, London and New York: Routledge, 2017, 150 pp., (ISBN: 978-1-138-19529-5 (hbk); 978-1-315-63848-5 (ebk)).Reviewed by Michael M. Gunter, Tennessee Technological University Mohammedali Yaseen Taha, Media and Politics in Kurdistan. How Politics and Media are Locked in an Embrace, London: Lexington, 2020, 145 pp., (ISBN: 9781793611031).Reviewed by Kerem Schamberger, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany. Philip G. Kreyenbroek and Yiannis Kanakis, "God First and Last": Religious Traditions and Music of the Yaresan of Guran. Volume I: Religious Traditions, by Philip G. Kreyenbroek, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2020. XIV+188 pp., (ISBN 9783447114240).Reviewed by Martin van Bruinessen, Utrecht University, Netherlands Seyedeh Behnaz Hosseini, The Yārsān of Iran, Socio-Political changes and Migration, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, 229 pp., (ISBN 978-981-15-2634-3).Reviewed by Hamidreza Nikravesh, Free University of Berlin, Germany Mohammed Ihsan, Nation building in Kurdistan: Memory, Genocide and Human Rights, New York: Routledge, 2017, 194 pp., (ISBN: 9781472466792).Reviewed by Ugur Ümit Üngör, NIOD Institute, University of Amsterdam
L’objet de ce catalogue est double : en premier lieu, il s’agit de présenter lesgrands étapes de l’exploration archéologique à Sozopol, tout en permettant aupublic de découvrir à travers elles la vie quotidienne de la cité. Pour ce faire, le catalogue, tout comme l’exposition, est divisé en 5 grandes sections qui suiventun cheminement logique depuis le coeur de la ville – le sanctuaire d’Apollon leMédecin sur l’île de St. Cyriaque - jusqu’aux marges de son territoire en explorant l’espace urbain, les nécropoles et les tertres funéraires aristocratiques, offrant ainsi l’occasion de découvrir à travers ces diverses thématiques l’univers fémininet masculin, l’enfance, la religion, la vie culturelle, l’architecture monumentale ou domestique, les activités économiques, les rites funéraires, l’exploitation agricoledu territoire ou celle des mines de cuivre… L’ouvrage commence par une introduction présentant le sujet de l’exposition et s’achève sur une brève présentation de la trajectoire d’Apollonia du Pont entre les guerres de Mithridateet la conquête de Lucullus qui apporte ici un terminus chronologique.
Vi sono alcune fonti tardoantiche esasperanti per gli studiosi in quanto se neconoscono pochissimi elementi sicuri: un esempio famoso ne è L’Historia Augusta.Nella stessa categoria si iscrive anche la raccolta di microbiografie nota con iltitolo Les hommes illustres de la ville de Rome. Paul Marius Martin, il curatore dellarecente edizione pubblicata presso Les Belles Lettres nella Collection desUniversités de France e sulla quale ci soffermeremo in seguito, spiega che „presquetout est obscur dans celui-ci: la date exacte de sa rédaction, son véritable titre, son auteur, sa composition même” (p. IX) (si veda anche p. X: „Le titre De uirisillustribus Vrbis Romae n’est certainement pas le titre original, non plus que lestitres de chapitres qu’on trouve dans certains manuscrits”). Di conseguenza, laprovocazione è stata enorme, ma – dobbiamo dirlo sin dall’inizio – l’editore l’hafronteggiata con successo. Con acribia, con spirito analitico, con ampia visione,con ottima conoscenza delle fonti, Martin ha fatto il meglio per offrire le soluzioni più convincenti alle qustioni sollevate da questa fonte tardo-latina.
Communication among human beings cannot be stopped. More specifically, digital communication is the sign of our times and the main symbol of developed western civilization in the late 20th and early 21st century. Even though the “digital era” was inexorably on the rise in recent decades even before the coronavirus raised its ugly head in 2020, now it is relentlessly bound to increase its presence and keep a firm grip on our daily routine. Digitalization has come to stay and the number of routes deriving from the new circumstances of imposed limitation of human contact, interaction and intercourse are expected to grow and grow: the sky is the limit.