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Youth studies is a growing area within migration scholarship. It is evident that migration of children, unaccompanied children and children within refugee flows are significantly higher than general migration flows. We have evidence of this, for example, in the case of Syrian exodus since the outbreak of civil war in the country in 2011 (Yazgan et al., 2015). Kulu-Glasgow et al. (2019), Vila Freyer & Özerim (2020), and Vila Freyer and Meza Gonzalez (2021) are the recent collections of studies on youth in migration published by Transnational Press London alone. In the last couple of years, hundreds of articles and book chapters on youth migration have been published elsewhere. The Migration Conferences, Migration Letters proudly supports, have offered a venue for discussions on the topic since the beginning in 2011, and it has included a special track on youth migration to foster research in this particular topic.
A triple goal was set for this article: (i) identifying the functions fulfilled by scientific journals in the system of science and higher education in Poland; (ii) diagnosis and assessment of the performance of the evaluation function by the current system of journal evaluation – a critical analysis of the applicable solutions; (iii) outlining the directions of the evolution of the journal evaluation system in Poland. As far as the methodology is concerned, a critical analysis of the literature on the subject as well as a critical analysis and evaluation of applicable legal regulations played a leading role. Moreover, elements of the diagnostic approach (the description and assessment of existing solutions) and the prognostic / prospective approach (an outline of proposed changes to existing solutions) were used in the considerations. Additionally, the work uses the method of legal and dogmatic analysis of legal provisions, which allows for a critical assessment of the legislator's intentions.
The article aims to characterize the evaluation of Polish scientific journals in the fields of the humanities and social sciences, in the broader context of national science and higher education reforms. For this purpose, the notion of resentment rationalism, referring to Max Scheler’s work, was introduced to highlight the disorganization of successive attempts to rebuild the system of science rooted in evil and atavistic passions. As a consequence of the adopted research optics, what emerges is a picture of chaotic, politicized and commodified reforms, which fail to correct the position of Polish science and antagonize the community of researchers, by making it impossible to deal with important structural problems in this field.
The centenary anniversary of Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny is a good time for reflection on the status of social science journals in Poland. The article compares the form and content of the twelfth volume (1932) of RPEiS with today’s academic journals. The major conclusion is that the pre-WWII journal was targeted at the broadly defined milieu of the humanistic intelligentsia, while today’s journals are addressed exclusively to a narrow group of academic specialists. Is there a chance of establishing a social science periodical in Poland that would attract a broader readership, including both scientists and practitioners in the field of the social sciences?
Nikolay Turlakov published a study in this journal, No. 4, 2021, entitled “Humility and Justification or Rebellion and Struggle: Philosophical Notes on the Attitude to Suffering in Religious Faith and Customary Morality”. The outlined dilemma is whether one must follow a rigorous faith and submissively encounter human sufferings, or one ought to struggle against them. I was impressed by the interesting reflections the author has made in his study, so my paper is presented here as a kind of a letter to him. My aim is directed to strengthening his attempt at resolving the dilemma by finding a way out of it on the base of the introduction of what is called a moderate religious faith.
The text offers a review of the 9th edition of the Sofia International Literary Festival which took place in December 2021, trying to discover the conceptual threads that determine its structure and contents. It describes the meetings and the conversations with the participants at the festival, as well as the subjects of the discussions which were aimed to analyse some significant phenomena from the present days and also the perspectives they develop for all of us.
The text contains information about the international scientific conference for Bulgarians and Slavic’s Scholars “Bulgarian language, literature and culture – roads through the multicultural world”. It briefly presents the organization and the main thematic areas, as well as the presented reports.
The article briefly presents collections with donation inscriptions from the personal library of Prof. Stoyan Karolev, stored in "Zachary Knyazheski" Regional Library - Stara Zagora. Presented collections include copies of donation inscriptions by Radoi Ralin, Blaga Dimitrova, Andrey Germanov, Damyan Damyanov, Veselin Andreev, Stanislav Stratiev, Ivan Davidkov, Mihail Toshkov, D. Chavdarov-Chelkash, Pencho Danchev, Atanas Natev, Encho Mutafov, Alexander Milanov, Kamen Zidarov, Ivan Paunovski, Ivan Sarandev, Vihren Chernokozhev. In addition to revealing connections between the literary critic and a great number of important names in our literature and culture from the 1950s to the beginning of the 2000s, donation inscriptions are valuable in their authentic handwriting and in their content, which testifies the authors' attitude to cultural phenomena and polemics, the excitement in their first steps, the development of their creative self-consciousness.