Editors’ Note
Welcome to our spring 2021 issue of The Agonist: “The Antichrist.” We would like to thank all of our contributing writers and dedicated editorial team. We would also like to express our enormous gratitude to our new publishers, Ibrahim Sirkeci and the Transnational Press London. We look forward to working with you! In this issue our writers present four essays that once again rethink our relationship with Nietzsche’s controversial, later writings. Robert Malka explores the ways in which a story can find its basis in both the self and the world in Nietzsche's works. Gary Shapiro reimagines Nietzsche as a proto-ecologist or prophet of environmentalism. Bradley Kaye mines the strange affinities between Nietzsche and Pelagianism. And finally, Thomas Steinbuch treats us to “Cursing the Curse: Nietzsche on the Machiavellianism of Pity” in the early sections of The Antichrist.