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Telling, talking about and writing on experiences of migration, war and flight, means in processto create a space of protection. Also in an inner sense, influencing emotions and feeling of life, or fromthe perspective from outside, watching, what is happening to others: with empathy, migration isunderstood as life changing happening. It is internal sense an from the perspective from outside withempathy a changing event and, communicated with one another, harbors the chance of belonging,placeless and free. When the telling of the others begins, we change and with our imagination reality ischanging.
İnsanlar arası ilişkilerin hakkaniyetli bir toplumsal zeminde inşa edilebilmesinin ve sürdürülebilmesinin önündeki en büyük engellerden biri, “biz” ve “onlar” ayrımını oluşturan “sorunlu” kimlik belirlenimleridir. Etnik, dini, kültürel, ideolojik ya da cinsiyete dayalı bir şekilde geliş(tiril)en kimliklere bağlı hak talepleri ve çatışmaları özellikle son elli yılın önemli siyasi ve sos-yo-kültürel değişimlerinin katalizörü olmuştur. Teknik ilerlemenin belirleyiciliğinde çok katmanlı bir sonuç olarak ortaya çıkan küreselleşme, bir yönüy-le adeta küçülerek sıkışan bir dünya durumuna, yani farklı coğrafyalardaki insanları kuşatan zaman ve mekâna dair türdeşlik algısının hızla yayılmasına sebep olurken, diğer taraftan, kimliklere dayalı talep ve çatışmaların yaygın-laşmasına, engellenemez bir yükseliş göstermesine ve farklı siyasi stratejilerin temel söylem ve eğilimini belirleyerek (Keyman, 2007: 110) kamusal ilginin odağına yerleşmesine zemin oluşturmuştur. Dolayısıyla, farklı temel-lerde ortaya çıkan kimlik talep ve çatışmalarına değinmeksizin yaşadığımız dünyayı anlamak, söz konusu talep ve çatışmalara kalıcı çözümler bulmadan da güvenli bir dünya düzeni ihtimalinden söz etmek olanaksız görünmektedir (Yaman, 2016: 730).
This comparative study will thus serve the scholarly purposes of articulating a multifaceted critique of Smith’s work while offering a corrective to his theory of religion through a turn to Bataille. More broadly, it commends further attention to Bataille by students of religion, for the field of religious studies stands to be invigorated by Bataille’s provocative, deliriously lucid writings. Following the example of Bataille, I will formulate grounds for resisting the rationalist mode in religious studies as exemplified by Smith, inquiring into the possibilities presented by shifting the register of religious studies from Smith’s privileged ratio-scientific concepts - for example, objectivity, distance, reason, conservation, accumulation, knowledge, and futurity - to those that Bataille puts forward in his theory religion: excess, experience, eroticism, expenditure, destruction, violence, and the present moment. I will argue that the (usually implicit) values connected with these respective approaches must be discerned and considered in thinking about how to theorize religion. There is, I believe, much to commend thinking more frequently and intensely in a Bataillean experimental register.
The academic discipline of the history of religions is intrinsically interdisciplinary, and perhaps in a position to contribute particularly useful insights to the dialogue across academic boundaries. This essay is intended to present a very thin slice of cultural responses to our contemporary condition, and to suggest a few possible resources for analysis of them.
Why then should we be interested in the Jaina tradition and its relations with the West? First, the numbers do not give an accurate picture of the importance of Jainism. Jains like Anju Jain, former co-CEO of Deutsche Bank, are influential in the world of business and trade. In India, Jains both male and female are much more likely to be literate than their Hindu compatriots. The Jain tradition is rich and beautiful, both in the historical and contemporary perspective. Jains have made central contributions to Indian culture. In Indian philosophy they sought to position themselves in the middle ground between the “one-sided” views of other schools.
We often wonder: What are the limits of religious tolerance? Why can we be very open to the idea of tolerance, as a principle, and still, when it comes about our own family/actions, to be, in many cases, intolerant?1 What is the difference between the idea of tolerance and its particular application? And why, so many times, we are tolerant in words, and intolerant in practice? Why does this difference occur? And why are we showing indifference when we should implicate ourselves and make a difference? Yes, we play with notions, but we actually do this in everyday life.
Youth across the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) are consistently an influential generational cohort that contributes to progressive and evolving visions of Kurdishness. Not only are they impacting the nature of Kurdish identity through their activism and shrewd use of social media, but they are also moving toward a more critical views of patriarchal nationalism (Kurdayetî) and challenging gender norms. In the past half century, the KRI has become the locus of Kurdish nationalism, which has acted as a means of entrenching patriarchal, clientelistic, and patrimonial attitudes in the name of the national and Kurdish struggle against the Iraqi state. More recently, this patriarchal nationalism has become increasingly fragmentary, promoting a sense of disconnect and apathy within society, since the political elite has reduced Kurdayeti to a tool used to loosely legitimize their diminishing claims to power. This approach by the political elites has failed to create a united and consistent shared sense of belonging in society for a largely adolescent and youth cohort. Kurdish leaders continue to use past glories, struggles, successes, and achievements to maintain power, even as their current policies no longer feasibly represent or entice the evolving interests of a substantially youthful population.
The foundations of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) were laid in 1991 and what started as a form of de facto autonomy became official in 2005, being enshrined in the new Iraqi constitution. This brought major changes to how Kurdish people were socialized in the newly established Kurdish region. A new generation was born in this decisive period during the 1990s that has now grown up to be citizens of the Kurdistan Region and Iraq, with the cohort of people under the age of thirty constituting most of the country. The systematic changes of governance in Kurdistan and Iraq in 1991 and 2003 have led to a situation in which the members of this cohort were politically socialized much differently than their parents.
Schopenhauer’s concept of the will-to-life was transformed by one of his main disciples, Philipp Mainländer, in his Philosophy of Redemption (1876) into the will-to-death, preceding Freud’s investigations regarding the death drive in Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920). The post-Schopenhauerian conception that non-being is preferable to being anticipates Cioran’s discussion of suicide from A Short History of Decay (1949) and his vision of the “catastrophe” of birth from The Trouble with Being Born (1973). If, from a Nietzschean perspective, Cioran’s obsession with death is a symptom of passive nihilism, from an extreme-contemporary perspective, his pessimistic thanatophilia may resonate with our anxious crepuscular mentality, prefiguring contemporary Antinatalism.
Since his work of youth (On the Inner Dialogue) Mihai Şora proposes the act of dialogue as an essential, self-producing state of the human being. Dialogue involves equality in dignity and alterity and the discovery of alterity as a revelation of the world as a structure of potentialities or openings of the me-you type, characterized by reciprocity. The me-you dialogue and the inner dialogue, the communion or the generalized dialogue, are at the same time an ethical commitment of the partners practicing openness and reciprocity, the foundations for freedom and for the awareness of our position in relation to the world. Dialogue produces the occupation of the inner space of the being as voice of the being and at the same time assuming of the outer space as discursiveness, as permanence of acts of being and acting together. Communion as an emotion thus edifies not only the subject participating in the dialogue but also a new entity, the communion itself, an affective perhaps agapic composition. Starting from here, we aim to explore the philosophy of dialogue of Mihai Şora as a theoretical background for a structuring the methodology of a dialogical counselling or philosophical practice aimed at elucidating and relating the subject to the outside world as an autonomous act of the self that is exercised in communion as co-author and giver of meaning.
Rhetorics of Letters written to Ceausescu by Dorin Tudoran Letters written to Ceausescu by Dorin Tudoran represent a way to express the negative attitude towards the totalitarian communist system in Romania. The structure of the letters reveals the author’s unique style. The detected style is an argumentative one, where the logical open argument is always announced. The author uses the sentence to communicate with the reader. Thus, the sentence, in the greatest number of cases, is simple, although the inversion can often be observed too. The composite sentence is distinguished by its complexity. Still, the subordinate clauses are more often used than the coordinate ones. The letters are written in a combined style (administrative official style and the belletristic one) which generates an easy, expressive, and coherent exposure.
The new center of gravity of the world, the Indian Pacific region, is the subject of this article. “Free and Open Indian Pacific Policy”, adopted by the USA in 2017, is on the foreign policy agenda. By addressing the geopolitical, geoeconomics and geostrategic importance of the region, it will be explained why the USA has implemented this policy. The fact that the competition between China and the US in the global system can result in war is the subject of the article that the dual containment strategy applied to the Soviet Union during the Cold War period and it is a geopolitical area that has gained importance in the context of the alliance relations established with the countries in the region. The importance of the geographical area will be evaluated from the US perspective.
The beginning of the 21st century was faced with the demands of the technical revolution 4, environmental problems and ensuring sustainable development. This situation is caused by the extremely rapid growth of the human population and the enormous use of natural resources. At the same time, over the past three years, the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed down the countries' economic development. To restore countries' economies, Recovery and Sustainability Plans have been proposed. The report aims to show and analyze the challenges facing the construction industry regarding the implementation of the National Development and Sustainability Plan.
Researcher, writer, translator and teacher Amita Bhose (Calcutta, 1933 - Bucharest, 1992) has a special place in the Romanian cultural landscape. Born in Calcutta in 1933, in a family with a rich cultural and scientific activity, she graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics of the University of Calcutta, in 1953. In 1959, she came to Romania with her husband, a geological engineer, where she enrolled in a two-year Romanian language and literature course. She then returned to India, where she debuted in the Indian press with the article Rabindranath in Romania. It was the beginning of a long series of Bengali and English articles about Romanian culture and literature, from which she also translated. In 1965 she graduated from the Faculty of Bengali-English at the University of Calcutta, and in 1971, the beneficiary of a scholarship from the Romanian state, she enrolled in a PhD programme at the Faculty of Romanian Language and Literature, the University of Bucharest. In 1975 she defended her thesis titled The Indian Influence on the thoughts of Eminescu. From 1971 until her death she lived in Romania, "the country she loved perhaps more than many Romanians did, and served with her intelligence and her pen" (Zoe Dumitrescu-Buşulenga, the scientific advisor of the thesis). In India she published translations into Bengali from contemporary Romanian poetry, from Sadoveanu, Zaharia Stancu and Marin Sorescu, and plays by I.L. Caragiale and Mihail Sebastian were set on stage. In 1969, the volume Eminescu: Kavita (Poems), the first translation of Eminescu in Asia, was published in Bengali.
Professor Surendranath Dasgupta (1887-1952) is probably best remembered as a Philosopher and for his contributions to the historiography of Indian Philosophy. This spirit of philosophical enquiry can also be discovered in his famous works on Yoga and Tantra – knowledge systems which are based in praxis. However, as a thinker, Professor Dasgupta defied all disciplinary boundaries and wrote and lectured on the sciences, literature, art history, aesthetics and so on. Even a cursory look at his teaching career establishes the essentially interdisciplinary nature of his calling: among other things, Dasgupta served as a Professor of Sanskrit and Bengali in Rajshahi and Chittagong College; then taught Bengali at Oxford University; became Professor of Philosophy at Presidency College; then Principal of Sanskrit College; afterwards Professor of Philosophy at the University of Calcutta. He was deeply influenced by poetry, especially Rabindranath Tagore, and many of his essays on philosophy would include Tagore’s poetry as an instance to prove his point or as a moment of epiphany in an otherwise structured argument. Besides these scholarly pursuits, he has also authored poetry collections and novels in Bangla. Dasgupta liked to keep himself informed about the latest developments in World Literature and at times, he even participated in the literary debates that were taking place in the public sphere at that period. Perhaps, his initial training as a student of Sanskrit served as the foundation for this lifelong engagement with languages and literatures. My presentation seeks to locate this literary persona of Professor Dasgupta through a reading of some of his works including Sāhitya Paricay and The History of Sanskrit Literature – in which he worked as an editor and as one of the two contributors. Supplementing these with texts on art and aesthetics by Dasgupta, we seek to understand his way of approaching literature – characteristically comparative; looking for patterns of relationships and connections across time, space, cultures
Born into a socially conservative but intellectually liberal family, Maitreyi was the daughter of scholar-philosopher Surendranath Dasgupta and Himani Madhuri Rai ( sister of Himanshu Rai, owner/ founder of Bombay Talkies). Her early childhood corresponded with the trying years of the First World War while in her youth she was exposed to the political lessons of the Second World War — to fascist Italy, to the Hitlerite regime in Germany, to Stalinist and post-Stalinist Russia, to Republican and communist China — when Maitreyi, was perceived as a left-wing sympathiser. This was the era of the emergence of nation-states, of obsessive nationalism and revolts against hegemonic and capitalist forces. As an intimate protégée of Rabindranath Tagore, wherever she travelled, to China, Russia, Eastern and Western Europe, she practised the transnationalism that marked out the travelogues of Tagore. This meant that both colonial perceptions and the nation-state centric approach were disrupted by discourses of inter-connectedness that in turn challenged conceptual boundaries of difference and ethnicity
Maitreyi wrote books of philosophy and also travel books. For Na Hanyate (It Does not Die), the reply-novel to Mircea Eliade’s story, Maitreyi Devi received, in 1976, the Sahitya Akademi Award, the most important distinction from the Academy of Indian Letters. She was invited to give lectures on life and works of her dear friend and mentor, the Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, or on Indian philosophy and culture, all over the world. She also had a special role in the emancipation of Indian women. Marked by the drama of children left on the roads as a result of territorial divisions and political struggles, Maitreyi Devi set up an orphanage and attracted significant funds for educating and empowering young people in disadvantaged environments.
As a result of political and socioeconomic instability which gained momentum in the last decade, and the rising tensions and conflicts in its neighboring countries, a surge in the irregular departures from Tunisia towards the countries of European Union (EU) became a salient feature of post-revolutionary Tunisia. With 1.3 million Tunisians residing abroad as of 2016, Tunisia represents a prime emigration country in the Mediterranean region (Natter, 2021). Driven by its own political and economic interests in the region, migration has figured high on the agenda of EU’s policymakers. Tunisia represents EU’s key partner in various domains, with their partnership dating back to 1976 with its legal basis in Association Agreement signed in 1995. The 2011 Revolution represented a turning point in the EU-Tunisia relations, rendering EU a crucial partner in provision of support to the Tunisian transition towards the modern democracy. As stated on the official web page of the European Commission: “The partnership between Tunisia and the European Union (EU) is rooted in the mutual interest of enhancing a prosperous and stable Tunisian democracy” (European Commission) . In addition to that, Tunisia benefits immensely from the generous financial support provided by the EU with the aim of enhancing migration governance and addressing the root causes of irregular migration. Yet, as per Lixi, the relations between Tunisia and the EU have long been motivated by the mutual needs and interests with rare examples of a true cooperation (Lixi, 2018).
The interplay between the ocean and climate change is gaining a new dimension. Small Island States are among the most vulnerable of all, and many island nations are struggling to escape the effects of the climate change, which accelerates the degradation of the natural resources that underpin their economies, causing sea level rise, which leads to the salinization of rivers and lakes and therefore, scarcity of fresh water resources, and decline of coral reefs and fish stocks, which are the basis of their economies and eroding coastlines battered by intensifying storms.