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Testing stand for ultrasonic sensors constructed by the authors is used during technical security systems laboratory classes. Students using this stand are checking the influence of distance, material, and position of sensor on basic parameters.
The article presents the concept of spatial development and revitalization of the area tailing ponds after activities of Cracow Soda Plant “SOLVAY”. It assumes the multi-use area. It was taken into account the nature of the terrain, difficulty reclamation and building due to the high salinity of the ground and the aesthetic and functional needs related to the environment of the test area. It was chosen the concept of creation of the park complex.
The paper presents the idea of infrared measurements involving the recording of the intensity of thermal radiation emitted by a body with a temperature above absolute zero. For this purpose the type of infrared camera FLIR T620 as an analyzer for several applications has been presented. Described device stands one of the scientific laboratories equipment of CIiTWTP Center at the University of Rzeszow.
In this article the removal of high-frequency noise from the surface topography of cylinder liners was presented. The plateau-honed cylinders as well as cylinder liners with additionally added oil pockets were analysed and the parameters from ISO-25178 standard were processed. The Differential of Gaussian Wavelet was used as the possibility of problem solution. The influence of obtained results on metrology education was also found.
This paper presents a mathematical model of a polluted river described differential equations of hyperbolic type, and consider estimation using the filter Kalman-Bucy with discrete measurements. As a result, it received two steps of etimation i.e. filtration and prediction. In the estimation process of river quality was used measurements of the fixed point, yielding discrete values, which then was crucial to issue a prediction understood as a continuous equation with the initial conditions obtained by a filtration process to generate the predicted values of subsequent measurements. The study included the selection of appropriate filter gain factors having a major influence on the estimation error.
Consider environmental certification of facilities in Ukraine, which could contribute to addressing problematic issues of environmental protection, conservation and restoration of natural systems, ecosystems. Unfortunately, the state has not appreciated the importance of environmental audit in the implementation of the national policy of sustainable development and enhanced environmental requirements for owners of industrial enterprises and corporations.
The influence of non-linear receiver of energy to its quality is very actual and widely discussed issue in the literature. The authors of most of research studies analyzing the impact of electrical receiver to the electricity quality and focusing mainly on the quality of energy. Discussed laboratory positions will allow examination of the impact of specific nonlinear devices for voltage and current signals and to gather material for the verification of mathematical models of these devices.
Investigated the microbial transformation of organic matter in the typical black soil under the influence of different types of processing. Found that soil protection technology inhibits the mobilization processуі, as evidenced by reduced mineralization coefficients, improve and optimize the ratio of structural categories of micropores in 0–30 cm layer of chernozem, thereby reducing the rate of evaporation of soil moisture by 25–30%. Stage of moisture in the soil with minimum soil moisture corresponds to the flow in the capillary, due to the enhancement of mass transfer in the system of solid phase – soil moisture, soil air. When easily-movable moisture condition occurs stationary convective motion of the flow of matter – is self-organization of mass transfer, which may be increased by 150–200%.
The article presents a study on parameters of selected transducers of Hall effect. Converters of this type can be used for a variety of non-electrical measurements such as measurements of thickness of outer layers, flaw detection measurements, distance measurements, or shift speed. Described transducers were used to study magnetic field. The study was conducted for a variable distance from source of magnetic field, sensor response was checked when changing measurement frequency and characteristics of output signal when changing value of magnetic induction test.
The paper addresses the key structural elements of the cross-cutting practical training (or program), namely: methodological (e.g. methods, techniques), regulatory (e.g. laws, decrees, regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine), technical (e.g. standardization system), human resource and financial support of practical training; structural-and-logical profiles of practical trainings for students in the field of ecology and environmental protection in order to meet the needs of the labour market; working practice programs. There are defined the professionally important qualities and skills that are acquired in the course of practical trainings, including academic, intellectual, communicative, moral, practical, self-reliance, initiative, commitment, predictability, decisiveness, which in turn encourage the specialists to carry out professional research, develop designs, conduct expert control, perform tasks such as legal and regulatory, environmental, educational, administrative that are related to sustainable use of natural resource, modelling and predicting the state of the environment etc.
In the article the results of the analysis of conducting of agricultural reform in Ukraine are presented, the state of agricultural sphere is described; the need of Ukraine in specialists of this sphere is defined concretely. It was grounded that preparation of specialists capable to ensure competitive carrying out of agriculture, it is necessary to fulfill taking into account the tendencies of humanization of education space.
One of the main aid of digital analysis of surface properties is the removal of waviness from the results of surface topography measurements. The cylinder liners from car engine were analysed. Parameters from ISO-25178 were described. The technical education for metrology field was also taken into consideration.
The article explains the concept of biodiversity and Natura 2000 objectives. The author describes the action lines of the new EU strategy, initialed May 3, 2011. It concerns the implementation of the Birds and Habitats Directives. The main tasks are: improving the conservation status of habitats and species protected, ensuring adequate funding for the Natura 2000 network, to improve monitoring and reporting, increase awareness and involvement of stakeholders and improve efficiency. You should also pay attention to maintaining and enhancing ecosystems, soil treatment and purification of water, to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, the problem of invasive alien species and the fight against the global crisis of biodiversity.
The article presents the problems of the simulation study the quality of state estimation by filter Kalman-Bucy type. The test object was a river polluted biochemically described partial differential equations of hyperbolic type. Quality estimation determined using the sum square errors of estimation representing a functional of the solutions under consideration. On the simulated object interaction of stochastic interference of Gaussian distributions for various parameters. Also discussed the issue of selection of the filter gain, the initial estimation, the intensity of interference and measuring their impact on the accuracy of the mapping. Obtained varied quality of state estimation by choosing different values of parameters during the simulation.
The paper presents the method for the elastic wave processing and propagation analysis applied to the reinforced concrete element under load. The quantitative method gives information about structural changes within the material and enables three-dimensional location of local damage. The Sigma analysis based on a waveform of longitudinal waves was chosen for the study. On this base the analysis can locate the place of the concrete deterioration and evaluate the stress which causing cracking. The acoustic emission test was conducted by the industrial apparatus and six piezoelectric sensors. The waveforms of acoustic emission signals were analysed using computer software. The experimental study confirmed the correctness of the analysis on the base of cracking appearing. The Sigma analysis identified tensile stress, shearing stress and both simultaneously. The method can be useful in the early detection of the micro-cracking of the reinforced concrete elements.