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This article analyzes the rights of minority shareholders from the perspective of the existence of minority protection. The objectives pursued through this article can be summed up in the idea of protecting minority shareholders. Being a controversial subject both at the level of doctrine and judicial practice, we will try to find the best solutions and look at the rights of minority shareholders as a weapon that shareholders have at hand in order to effectively protect them. In the realization of this work, we will use various materials, from monographs, theses to solutions given by the courts regarding this issue. We will refer to both Romanian and European legislation. We will try to classify the rights that minority shareholders can have into two more categories by referring to the idea of freedom and protection of minority shareholders. Thus, we will have autonomy rights: the right to dividends, the right to transfer shares, the right to the due share of the liquidation of the company and participation rights: the right to participate in the General Assembly, the right to request the convening of the General Assembly, the right to vote, the right to information.
This paper discusses the discrepancy between the image of a rolling stone Gipsy created by such authors as Pushkin and Macha in the first half of the 19th century and the reality. K. H. Mácha’s story takes place the 18th century when the majority of Gipsies have already switched to a settled way of life and began to be forcefully assimilated into the traditional society. In the paper, the emphasis is made on ethical, aesthetic and semantic aspects of the themes of love and desire for death as well as elements of Gipsy culture at the time as opposed to the works of K. H. Mácha and A. S. Pushkin. The focus is on Gipsy stereotypes and image in the Czech and in Russian literature in the 19th century.
Když mi byly tři roky, rodiče odešli do Ostravy za prací. Neměli podnájem, bydleli tady u jedné známé, a tak jsme s babičkou, dědou a sestrou odjeli zpát ky do Staré Ľubovně. Byt rodiče dostali až v roce 1958, takže jsme se za nimi potom vrátili. To mi bylo deset let. A od té doby jsme tu, bydlíme tu. Jako děcko jsem ale ještě chvíli bydlel i v Praze a Karlových Varech, naši totiž dělali silnice, takže cestovali.
Narodil jsem se v roce 1938 v Kopčanech na česko slovenském pomezí. Bydlel jsem v romské osadě. Z dětství si pamatuju, jak moje matka vařila. Pamatuju si, že když nebyl cukr, tak se udělaly kolečka cukrové řepy a to se dalo do melty a uvařilo se to. A moje specialita byla, že jsem ty kolečka vyndával a jedl, protože to bylo nasáklé tou meltou, to jsem jedl dost často. Matka když vařila, tak desetilitrový hrnec polívky. Pak vzala kastrólek, naplnila ten kas trólek a řekla mně: „Ďa, de, ďa.“ „Zanes to, tam a tam.“ Aji kdyby to bylo jen o padesát metrů dál. Když věděla, že tam nemají co jest, nebo já nevím co. A mně bylo devět deset a s velikou hanbou jsem tam šel a donesl jsem to. Býval jsem proto vzteklý. Ale ona tak byla zvyklá. A oni jí zase na oplátku třeba něco vrátili, když vařili. Ty polívky byly teda vynikající. Akorát že já, když jsem už začal chodit do školy a měl jsem kamarády Neromy, a teď jsem tam někde viděl, že spolužák má polévku a ještě druhé, další jídlo, tak jsem to doma taky tak chtěl dělat. Tak jsem z té polévky vybíral brambory a maso. A polévku jsem snědl jenom s nudlema. A ty brambory s masem zvlášť a měl jsem druhé jídlo. No. Matka byla takhle zvyklá a moc Romů bylo takhle zvyklých a nejsem moc daleko od toho říct, že to tak dělají někteří i tady. Ale už to není v takovém rozsahu a dělá to spíš ta vzdálená rodina. Zůstal u nás ještě zakódovaný ten zvyk, že to ani jinak být nemůže, že host vždycky dostane najíst, i kdybychom s ním nepočítali. Kdyby došel i žebrák, nějaký tulák, že ho necháme sednout a dáme mu, nabídneme mu. To je tak v duši toho člověka zapsané, že ho pohostí. Nikdy nemá výmluvu, ba naopak když někdo došel náhle, tak ho nechal na svojí posteli si lehnout a on si lehl třeba na zem. A taky se stávalo, že policajti hledali takových těch pochybných lidí u Romů. Že se tam někde zatoulali, no.
Maminka se narodila roku 1898. Tatínek se narodil 1900. Já jsem narozený 1941. Pozor, já jsem dvanáctej kluk a měli jsme pět sester. Nás bylo sedmnáct dětí. Tatínek věděl anglicky, francúzsky, samozrejme německy, maďarsky. Čítat, písať, všecko. Jeho bratři, všecky. Teď mi řekněte, on byl narozenej 1900, kdy von chodil do školy? Já jsem byl doma na Slovensku a pátral jsem po mojem tátovi. Kde chodil do školy a tak dále. Našel jsem takovou kroniku, ale bylo tam strašně málo. Ani nevím, kde se táta narodil, já ho nemám napsaného v rodném listě. Já jsem se bavil s mojí matkou. Říkám: „Mami, kde táta chodil do školy?“ „Já nevím.“ Ona nevěděla, chudinka. Ona sloužila u Maďarov. Ona byla bílá. Na ní nebylo poznat, že je Cigánka, tak jí Maďaři brali a ona tam vařila. Táta byl taky bílej. Voni nevěděli, že voni jsou Cigáni. A celá rodina, jich bylo sedm bratrů, bydleli v tej jednej dědině. Když jsem se ptal tých lidí tam, říkám: „Prosím vás, ale vodkuď voni teda sem přišli do tých Bučan?“ „To nevím.“ „Ukažte mi jejich rodné listy.“ Vytáhli, nic. Akurát víme, že děda pochádza z Anglie, to víme. On sem utek do Československej republiky před trestem. A von neměl nohu, ten děda. No ale když já jsem se narodil, děda už byl po smrti. Můj táta dělal kováče. A přitom byl číšníkem v Bučanech. Teď, když jsem tam byl, tak to tam našli, že dělal číšníka v takzvaném Spolku. To byl nějakej besední dům. Ani žádnou jeho fotku nemám.
The paper reflects the recently obtained health-related and social-pathological data on Romany pupils. It specifies several adverse life-style parameters of Romanies as the manifestation and the consequence of their social, cultural, educational and linguistic incompatibility. The insufficient or even dysfunctional strategy of family education appears to be the factor preventing Romany children from acceptation of regulatory rules and standards. School is presented as a guaranteeing educational institution in the process of generating, stabilizing and interiorizing health-related values and rules. A significant potential of prohealth intervention programs is highlighted in terms of supportive health-education strategies. Last but not least, the paper points out the applicability of e-learning in the process of prohealth education at primary schools.
Teknoloji günümüz çağdaş toplumların bir özet gibidir, her alana nüfuz ettiği gibi uluslararası göç sürecinde de kendine önemli bir yer bulmaktadır. Türkiye’nin Avrupa’ya açılan sınır ülkesi olduğundan dolayı yoğun göç akış rotasında bulunmakta ve bu durum göçmenler için güçlü cezbedici yönlerinden biridir. Ancak Türkiye göç serüveni üzerinde anlatılan göçü önlemeye dair güvenlik önlemlerinin dönüşümü ve teknolojik aygıtların devreye girmesiyle klasik engelleme metotlarının değişimi makale boyunca işlenecek konular arasındadır. Göç serüveni başlamadan önce teknoloji sayesinde araştırma yapan göçmenin online olarak attığı her adım dijital ayak izi bırakmasına sebep olmaktadır.
Arap Baharı, Arap coğrafyasında yaşanan reformist ve siyasal hareketleri kapsayan süreci ifade etmektedir. 2010 yılında Tunus’ta başlayan ve zamanla diğer Arap ülkelerini etkisi altına alan Arap Baharı, halkın siyasi ve ekonomik taleplerinin iktidarlar tarafından yerine getirilmemesi nedeniyle ortaya çıkmıştır. Siyasi istikrarsızlık, ülke yönetimine ilişkin yetkilerin tek bir kişide toplanması, temel hak ve özgürlüklerin sınırlandırılması, ülke kaynaklarının eşit paylaşılmaması, düşük refah seviyesi, yolsuzluk ve ekonomik istikrarsızlık gibi bir dizi faktör birçok ülkede kitlesel protestoların kısa süre içinde şiddetli çatışmalara dönüşmesine neden olmuştur (Bozkurt, 2018:58; Korotayev, Issaev, Malkov ve Shishkina, 2014:152).
Abdulaziz Bey from Kolca was born in 1863 in Ghulja, which is located within the Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture in northern Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China today. Some studies indicate that he probably settled in Istanbul in 1900. Abdulaziz Bey worked as a writer for the newspapers İkdam and Metin, and worked as an Arabic teacher and administrator in public schools (Enderun). As it is covered within the framework of this study, bringing Turkistani intellectuals/intelligentsia like Abdulaziz Bey to Istanbul or the interest shown in Turkistan, especially in the Chinese regions became a necessity of the Islamist and, in a way, the Turkism policy followed during the reign of Abdulhamid II. The works of Abdulaziz Bey, who contributed to the world of science with extremely important studies, created significant influences in Turkey, especially with studies such as Bir Çin Âlimi Nazarında İstikbal-i Şarkın Yeni Güneşi Gazi Mustafa Kemal Hazretleri and Umum Türklerin ve Bütün İnsaniyetin İttihadı. On the other hand, the actual fame of Abdulaziz Bey stemmed from being effective in the relations with China and his studies and works on the circumstances of Islam in Chinese regions. Within this scope, his works, such as Çin’de Din-i Mübîn-i İslâm ve Çin Müslümanları, proved to be significant contributions in terms of providing information about China and rational criticisms covered by his works. The works published by the Ministry of Education (Maarif Nezaret-i Celîlesi) with the permit dated 22 April 1319 and numbered 109 consisted of 9 sections. The author drew attention to the existence of numerous studies and works on the circumstances of Islam in Chinese regions in the period while stating that the publication in question was written to reveal the realities on the subject due to the incomplete and inaccurate news that emerged in Europe. Abdulaziz Bey analyzed the main reasons for the respect and countenance offered to Islam and Muslims by the Chinese Government, provided information about the general conditions of Turk-Muslim peoples who maintained their lives in these regions, and most notably, revealed the main principles of the reform and correlational movements that could enable the development of the Muslims in the region in terms of science, politics, and social fields. This work of Abdulaziz Bey can be evaluated as a collection of works and studies that were created to inform both the Ottoman community and the Ottoman State officials about the circumstances of Muslims living in China in line with Islamism and Turkism political views.
The destruction of the Thracian Bulgarians in 1913 was genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Bulgarian population in the southern part of the region of Thrace during and soon after the Inter-Allied War. It was carried out by the regular army of the Ottoman army and the bashibozuka. The affected areas in which genocide is being committed against the Thracian Bulgarians include Eastern (Odrina) Thrace and Western (White Sea) Thrace.
Fabricating a „Pomak ethnicity“ is crucial for keeping the state borders set by the Lausanne Peace Treaty and certain Balkan states have been making efforts to assimilate the Bulgarian Muslims within their territories by grouping them into a „Pomak ethnic group“, thus preventing any possibilities for them identifying as Bulgarians.
The state social policy of the Republic of Bulgaria is aimed at satisfying the needs of all ethnic groups, based on the constitutional principle of equality of citizens. This policy is based on a package of legal and by-laws – laws, strategies and others, which are the basis of all plans and specific actions and measures affecting the population of the Republic of Bulgaria, regardless of the ethnic affiliation of every citizen of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The focus of the current paper is the ethno-religious processes in Germany (2000 – until now), in the context of national and international security. To acquire information on the subject, the methods of intelligence from open sources – OSINT (mainly via the Internet) were used. With the availability of so much information, it is important to „sift“ only that which is from official and reliable sources, in order to be able to correctly assess the current situation and create the most accurate possible forecast for the near future. First, the concepts of ethno-religious processes, national and international security are clarified, after which the focus shifts to the state of Germany. Brief information about the country is given there, together with statistical data (as of December 2022), which give us information about the current ethno-religious situation. In the subsequent chapter, a forecast for the coming years is drawn up regarding possible future threats from a „new generation“ to the national security of the country, and also to the international one, together with the consequences if they are not countered in time and preventive measures that should be are observed and implemented.