![The effect of information technology innovation on good public governance: a case study in Indonesia](/api/image/getissuecoverimage?id=picture_2021_63933.jpg)
The effect of information technology innovation on good public governance: a case study in Indonesia
This study touches upon fraud prevention at the Regional Public Hospital (RSUD) in Sumatra Region in 2021. The authors used a quantitative approach to conduct the study. This research is based on a survey of 421 respondents, namely the personnel of the Medical Recording Department, the Internal Inspection Unit, the Medical Committee, the Coder, and the Accounting Department at RSUD. Sumatra was chosen to be the region under research because, according to data from the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), Sumatera Region has 6 provinces where most cases of fraud have been reported in government hospitals. The data analysis technique uses Structural Equation Modelling (LISREL). The results of the study show that: (1) information technology innovation has a positive and significant impact on public governance; (2) fraud prevention has a positive and significant impact on public governance; (3) information technology innovation has a positive and significant impact on public governance in terms of fraud prevention.