Жанр бестіарію у кнізі Тані Малярчук: Звірослов
The bestiary as a genre originated in the Late Antiquity, when a Greek anonymous work called Fysiologus was written. Not only it described animals (both real and mythical), plants and stones, but it also ascribed them their symbolical meaning, which is interpreted using the Bible. Medieval bestiaries have been attractive thanks to their inspirational fantasies and powerful metaphors until today. They relate the appearance and character of various creatures to the life of a Christian, teaching him to live properly. The present study is dedicated to the collection of short prose Zviroslov (2009) by Tania Malyarchuk. It analyses this book from the point of view of the typology and history of a bestiary as a genre. In its second part, the study focuses on the poetics of the Zviroslov and on the possibilities of this genre to describe our society.