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Firmico Materno, "L'errore delle religioni pagane", by Radu Bercea (french) Proclus, "Elements of Theology", by Alexander Baumgarten (english) Damascius, "De principiis", by Alexander Baumgarten (english) Thomas Alexander Szlezák, "The New Plato, Researches on the Esoteric Doctrine", by Alexander Baumgarten (english) Thomas d'Aquino, "Disputed Questions on the Soul", by Alexander Baumgarten (english) Duns Scotus, "De Primo Principio", by Mihai Sârbu (english) Dominique Demange, "Jean Duns Scot. La théorie du savoir", by Alfredo Storck (french)
Elizabeth Clegg: Art, Design & Architecture in Central Europe 1890–1920. Yale University Press, 2006, 305 pages, 300 black and white and colour reproductions.
Katalin Varga and Tamás Gajdó (eds.): …or not to be. Molnár Ferenc levelei Darvas Lilihez (…or not to be: Ferenc Molnár’s Letters to Lili Darvas). Budapest, Argumentum/Petôfi Irodalmi Múzeum, 2003, 145 pp.
Michael Korda: Journey to a Revolution. A Personal Memoir and History of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. New York, HarperCollins, 2006, 221 pp.
Balázs Ablonczy: Pál Teleki (1874–1941): The Life of a Controversial Hungarian Politician. Translated from the Hungarian by Thomas J. and Helen D. DeKornfeld. East European Monographs. Distributed by Columbia University Press, New York, 339 pp.
Following regime transition a wide variety of hopes were expressed that amidst new, democratic conditions some kind of unity might emerge in Central Europe. Over a decade and a half later, however, there does not appear to be the slightest chance of this happening. Oddly, this is exactly why Mária Ormos’s book entitled “Central Europe” is timely, while its subtitle – “Has it existed? Does it exist? Will it exist?” – adroitly captures the dilemmas regarding the book’s subject.[…] Mária Ormos: Közép-Európa. Volt? Van? Lesz? (Central Europe. Has it existed? Does it exist? Will it exist?) Napvilág Kiadó, Budapest, 2007.