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The 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2019) took place on May 30 – 31, 2019 at the University of Economics, Prague. The conference was organised by the Department of Entrepreneurship of the University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic in cooperation with other partners.Sound keynote speakers – Martina Musteen (San Diego State University, USA), Ilan Alon (University of Agder, Norway), Andrew Burke (Trinity Business School, Ireland), Arnim Wiek (Arizona State University, USA), Søren Salomo (Technical University Berlin, Germany) and Roy Thurik (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands) discussed the trends in the fields of innovation management, entrepreneurship and sustainability. The conference aimed to achieve academic excellence in a regional context and to establish a platform for mutual collaboration, exchange and dissemination of ideas among researchers and professionals.These conference proceedings contain contributions of the conference participants presented during both days of the conference. Authors of papers come from 22 countries all over the world, namely from Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Mexico, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA and Vietnam. All these contributions have successfully passed the doubleblind peer-review process.
An erudite academic lecturer and researcher in the field of Balkan history, a competent and committed leader and intellectual boheme who dedicated his entire professional lifeto History, to the department of International Relations at UNWE and to higher education in Bulgaria.
Shantaram is a book about a man who breaks out of a gaol in Australia and ends up in Bambay (now Mumbai). Eventually, he becomes engaged with Mumbai underworld. He falls in love with Karla, a beautiful and mysterious woman. The novel uses lots of Marathi and Hindi words that add up to the local essence of the novel. The novel is set up in Bambay in the 80s. It becomes all the more interesting as the narrator gets involved into a gun-running mission in Afghanistan and gives a vivid picture of the whole trade. Significantly, the novel has Bombay as a very important character; rather Bombay becomes an integral part of the novel. It has beautifully projected India and her people seen through the eyes of an Australian. Hence, this paper will try to bring out what are the facts that have gained more attention from the narrator and which aspects have been ignored. And while doing so, this paper would further try to analyze the factors behind such inclusions and exclusions and the politics, if any, involved in it.
MIKSER, Dušan Grlja: Prekobrojni; ZID, Milica Ivić: Uvek ćemo imati sito štampu; ŠTRAFTA, Aleksandra Sekulić: Isijavanje Grimizne lagune
MIKSER, Aleksandra Sekulić: Zapisi iz podzemlja – ogledi o tektonici jedne izložbe; Blok br. V, Danilo Milošev Wostok; Wostok/Grabowski; ŠTRAFTA, Grupa za konceptualnu politiku: Hronologije sadašnjosti Silvena Lazarisa; ZID, Tanja Ostojić: Misplaced Woman?
MIKSER, Gudro, Polok, Birnbaum, Hamilton i Moris: Mogu li, molim vas, da se vidim bar sa jednim prijateljem?; ŠTRAFTA, Aleksandra Sekulić: Duhovi i zidovi; ARMATURA, Jovan Jović: Slučajni svedok; VREME SMRTI I RAZONODE; Eboni Stjuart: Nasledstvo kose, ZID; Radovan Popović
Review of: Kožmín, Zdeněk. Tvořivý sloh: malé traktáty a malé scénáře. Praha: Victoria Publishing, 1995. Fišer, Zbyněk. Tvůrčí psaní. Malá učebnice technik tvůrčího psaní. Brno: Paido, 2001 Studený, Jiří. Drama jazyka. Teorie a praxe tvůrčího psaní. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice, 2003. Studený, Jiří. Dramata jazyka. Teorie literatury a praxe tvůrčího psaní. Červený Kostelec: Pavel Mervart, 2010. Hrdlička, František. Průvodce po literárním řemesle. Základy tvůrčího psaní. Praha: Votobia, 2004. Dočekalová, Markéta. Tvůrčí psaní pro každého. Jak psát pro noviny a časopisy, jak vymyslet dobrý příběh, praktická cvičení. Praha: Grada, 2006. Dočekalová, Markéta. Tvůrčí psaní pro každého 2. Naučte se vyprávět příběhy, jak se píše povídka, novela a román, praktická cvičení. Praha: Grada, 2009. Dočekalová, Markéta. Tvůrčí psaní pro každého 3. Co je to televize?, dramatická tvorba, zábavná tvorba. Praha: Grada, 2010. Skorunka, František. Úvod do tvůrčího psaní. České Budějovice: Jihočeská univerzita, Pedagogická fakulta, 2006 Hník, Ondřej. Hravá interpretace v hodinách čtení a literární výchovy. Jinočany: Nakladatelství H&H, 2007. Novotný, David Jan. Budování příběhu aneb demiurgie versus dramaturgie. Praha: Karolinum, 2007. Musilová, Eva. Kurs tvůrčího psaní aneb jak psát hezky česky. 1. díl průvodce začínajícího spisovatele. Kralice na Hané: Computer Media, 2007. Fišer, Zbyněk – Havlík, Vladimír – Horáček, Radek. Slovem, akcí, obrazem: příspěvek k interdisciplinaritě tvůrčího procesu. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2010.
Ova knjiga sadrži intervjue sa osobama koje na različite načine svedoče rat/o ratu u Bosni i Hercegovini. Svedočanstva u slici i svedočanstva u reči svedoče iskustva dok je trajao rat i kada je rat prestao. Jedni svedoče rečima, drugi slikama. Novinari i fotografi, svako na svoj način, izgrađuju sećanje kao politiku pamćenja, stvarajući arhiv svedočenja. Neki među njima su preživele opsadu Sarajeva – tu najdužu opsadu jednog grada u istoriji ljudske civilizacije.
Reviews of: 1. Jaques Le Rider, Modernitatea vieneză și crizele identității, tradusă în românește de Magda Jeanrenaud, Editura Universității „ALL Cuza” Iași, 1995. 2. Virgil Nemoianu, Micro-Armonia-dezvoltarea și utilizarea modelului idilic în literatură, Editura Polirom, Iași, 1996. 3. Revenirea în Europa, Antologie de Adrian Marino, Editura Aius, Craiova, 1996. 4. Andrei Corbea-Hoisie et Jacques Le Rider, Metropole und Provinzen in Altösterreich (1880-1918) (Metropolă și provincie în Vechea Austrie, 1880-1918), Published by Böhlau (1996). 5. Erich Zöllner, Istoria Austriei, Ediția a VIII-a (vol. 1 și 2), traducere de Adolf Armbruster, Editura Enciclopedică, București, 1997. 6. Adam Michnik, Scrisori din închisoare și alte eseuri, traducerea și îngrijirea ediției : Adriana Babeți și Mircea Mihăieș, cu o prefață de Vladimir Tismăneanu, Editura Polirom, Iași, 1997. 7. Timothy Garton Ash, Foloasele prigoanei. Lanterna magică, în românește de Catrinel Pleșu, Editura Fundației Culturale Române, București, 1997. 8. George Ciorănescu, Românii și ideeafederalistă, Editura Enciclopedică, București, 1966, ediție îngrijită de Georgeta Penelea Filitti. 9. Leszek Kolakowski, Horror Metaphysicus, Editura All, 1997, traducere și adnotare de Germina Chiroiu. 10. Vladimir Tismăneanu, Reinventarea politicului. Europa Răsăriteană de la Stalin la Havel, traducere de Alexandru Vlad, studiu introductiv de Dan Pavel, Polirom, Iași, 1997. 11. Irena Grudzinska Gross, Cicatricea Revoluției, în românește de Irina Giușcă, Editura Athena. 12. Slavenka Drakulić, Balkan Express, în românește de Petronela lacob, Editura Athena, București, 1997. 13. Victor Neumann, Identități multiple în Europa regiunilor. Interculturalitatea Banatului, Editura Hestia, Timișoara, 1997.
In his book Diplomacia amerikane dhe Shqiperia Leonard Demi observes, “The ties between Albanians and America do not begin on the date of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Albania and the United States of America, but long before that time, around the end of the 19th century.” (p. 9) Although Demi is referring specifically in his observation to the arrival in 1892 of the first group of Albanian immigrants who settled permanently in the United States, it is also true that a small, but growing number of Americans had during the 19th century become aware of the existence of the Albanian people and their national hero, Skenderbeg.
Review of: Granov, Alma, 2007. Semiotički pristup znakovima u korisnički orijentiranim interfaceima, neobjavljena doktorska disertacija odbranjena na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Josipa Baotića.