Дослідження впливу різних соціально-економічних факторів на тривалість життя населення
Research subject is represented by socio-economic conditions of the population living. Research aim is to study the impact on life duration of various socio-economic factors. Research methods applied in the paper are comparison, grouping, correlation and regression analysis, cluster analysis, systematic approach. Research results. The paper studies the socio-economic factors affecting life duration; construction of correlation and regression models and conducted clustering countries suggested ways of improving the socioeconomic policy in order to increase the population living. Branch of applying research results is socio-economic policy of the country. Conclusions. In this article it’s proved that different social and economic factors influence duration of living during the various stages of national development. The strength of the same factors impact also differs in different countries. It’s connected with the level of the country’s development, the conditions and way of population life, the government policy in health care, environment saving, scientific researches, education and so on. This substantiates the necessity of elaboration different measures to increase the duration of population living taking into account the level of the country’s development.