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Im ersten Teil seiner Analyse untersuchte Krawchenko die historischen Bedingungen für eine marxistische Opposition: in dem formal ideologischen System der UdSSR, deren Machthaber sich verbal auf den Marxismus berufen, vermeiden kluge, kreative, intellektuell neugierige Studenten die sogenannten »ideologischem Disziplinen —daher sind so viele Dissidenten auch Naturwissenschafter, Schriftsteller, Mathematiker.
Prag im Oktober. Der Altweibersommer könnte nicht schöner sein. Der Hradschin, die berühmten „100 Türme“, die Karlsbrükke - eine Augenweide. Die Geschäfte am Wenzelsplatz sind voll mit Waren. Es bedarf des zweiten Blicks, des Gangs in die Nebengassen, des Gesprächs, um sich nicht vom Talmi- Glanz blenden zu lassen. Epigrammatisch ließe sich die Lage vielleicht folgendermaßen zusammenfassen: Touristen bekommen das - zweifelsohne wunderschöne - „goldene Prag“ serviert, den Einheimischen wird via Gulaschsozialismus das Mául gestopft. Wer dann noch aufmuckt, bekommt eins über den Deckel.
Review of: Olaf Leitner: Rockszene DDR. Aspekte einer Massenkultur im Sozialismus. Hamburg 1983. Rororo 7646, 509 Seiten, öS 150.50/DM 19.80 Ossip Mandelstam: Die Reise nach Armenien. Bibliothek Suhrkamp, Frankfurt 1983,138 Seiten Edward Topol & Fridrikh Neznansky: Red Square. Corgi Books, London 1983,413 Seiten, £1.95 Alexander Nemow: Geschäfte in Baku. Scherz Verlag, Bern und München 1983, 288 Seiten, öS 232.40/DM 29.80 Sowjetunion 1982/83: Ereignisse, Probleme, Perspektiven. Hg. vom Bundesinstitut für ostwissenschaftliche und internationale Studien. Hanser Verlag, München-Wien 1983, 366 Seiten Hans-G. Wehlin (Hg.): DDR. Verlag Kohlhammer TB 1064, Stuttgart 1983, 239 Seiten, öS 156.-/DM 20.- Rudolf Ströbinger: Der Mord am Generalsekretär. Stalins letzter Schauprozeß — Das Tribunal mit Rudolf Slansky in Prag. Burg Verlag, Stuttgart-Bonn 1983, 144 Seiten Iring Fetscher: Der Marxismus. Seine Geschichte in Dokumenten. Philosophie, Ideologie, Ökonomie, Soziologie, Politik. R. Piper & Co Verlag, München 1962, 1983. 960 Seiten, öS 193.40/DM 24.80 Jerzy Holzer: »Solidarność« 1980- 1981, Geneza i Historia. Herausgegeben von: Institut Literacki, Paris 1984, 357 Seiten, öS 275.- Wolfgang Seiffert: Kann der Ostblock überleben? Der Comecon und die Krise des sozialistischen Wirtschaftssystems. Gustav Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach 1983, 254 Seiten
The aim of this article is to highlight that critical thinking and creativity generate innovation that is at the core of long-term competitiveness. The creation of culture of critical thinking and creativity should start with the education system – in primary and secondary schools, then it should find its way in science and research activities of institutes and universities, and finally, it should be implemented at all business levels – with the purpose of achieving systemic innovation. It is only in the conditions of a strategic education-science-business synergy, in an environment of promoting critical thinking, creativity and innovation, that long-term competitiveness is possible, which can result in large-scale development of nations, societies and businesses. The achieved level of competitiveness should in its turn be protected against external and internal threats by introducing security measures that include the entire system of physical, technical, information and procedure security, while recognizing and protecting intellectual property and trade secrets. In terms of relevance and methodology, this article reviews existing significant challenges to innovation and competitiveness management; questions are proposed demanding further research in the field of regulations, as regards leading innovation in a global context. Conclusions are drawn about the need of strategic synergy of the priorities of state policies in the fields of science, education and business. It is stated that only coordinated long-term prioritization and planning in economy, science and education, which involves development of focused scientific research in priority sectors (industries) and creation of staff predominantly for these priority sectors of national business development, can ensure long-term competitiveness, sustainability and growth.
The aim of the article is to show through a theoretical overview that there is an inextricable link between economic growth, technological progress, innovation and intellectual property. This connection has been realized since the dawn of economic science, by economist theorists who, even without mathematical models, and some of them even before a terminological and legal framework covering the matter was created, managed to prove that without innovations and technologization of production and labor skills, it is not possible to achieve sustainable economic growth. The relationship between innovation and economic growth is also depicted through the EC’s innovation development index, where the difference in assessment between the developed economies of the so-called “Western worldˮ and developing, commodity economies.
Intellectual property has a key role in ensuring national economic security. It is being constantly challenged and multiple risks affect its adequate application. Intellectual property threats need to be addressed on government, company and individual level to tackle serious security risks and prevent damages. The article reviews relevant policies and strategies, which need to be put in place, in view of the adoption of disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence. It also discusses the elements of a robust and systemic economic model, which would enable monitoring and assessing the risks and multiple dimensions of IP threats in their interaction with the digital environment and infrastructure. Such a model could form and objective basis for evidence-based policy making to enhance national security through intellectual property.
The idea of the present material is to analyze the structure and activity of the Bulgarian National Radio /BNR/ as an important element in the media system of Bulgaria. From this point of view, the good management and the results of the activities of BNR are extremely important to our society. The creation of quality and credible content; timely and accurate information to listeners, educating and entertaining the audience; creation of cultural events through the formations of the BNR; creation of a program for Bulgarians abroad and, accordingly, for foreigners in Bulgaria – all these commitments should be fulfilled by the team of BNR. Analysis of the activity of the individual structures of the BNR and the identification of existing weaknesses are key to making the right management decisions. Namely, these solutions are presented by the author, with an emphasis on the main function of BNR – the creation of quality content and its distribution on all technically existing platforms. Special attention is paid to the national programs “Horizont” and “Hristo Botev”, as well as to the regional programs broadcasting in 9 regional centres. Specific recommendations are given for better organization of the work process to guarantee impartiality and professionalism. The importance of the development of programs in the Internet environment and the prospects for the development of the BNR streaming channels and the corresponding podcasts are emphasized. An important emphasis is placed on the activities of the bands of BNR – orchestras and choirs and their important contribution to the development of culture in Bulgaria. Last but not least, attention is paid to the technical development of radio and the importance of using new technologies to create and distribute content. The ultimate goal is to support the management process of a public media such as BNR and to emphasize how important it is for such a media to be a leader in the development of the media environment in the country.
The armed forces of a country, regardless of its organization and government, are always part of its national security system. Their participation in public relations develops and becomes more complicated simultaneously with the development and complication of public relations. The activities carried out by the armed forces are activities carried out in the intangible sphere, which significantly complicates their research, which necessitates the use of a specific research approach.
This study aims to assess the relationship between organizational commitment and work-life balance among staff members working in hospitals in the Indian state of Punjab. Based on a sample of 382 hospital employees, including medical and paramedical staff, the study was conducted. The required information was gathered using a standardized questionnaire. The Smart PLS statistical tool was utilized for analysing the data that was gathered. The study's findings demonstrate a significant and positive association between organizational commitment and work-life balance in selected hospitals of Punjab, highlighting the significance of this balance in encouraging employee commitment in this situation. Based on the R 2 value of 0.644, it can be concluded that the model is responsible for approximately 64 percent of the variance in organisational commitment. Nevertheless, the circumstances that are accountable for the remaining 36 percent of variability have not been found.
Shadow economy is a persistent and characteristic phenomenon of the economy of Eastern Europe. The article aims to study the shadow sector in several countries – Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Croatia, presenting unpublished data on its perceived manifestations from the point of view of demand and supply. The data used is from a Eurobarometer survey conducted in 2019. The information provided is up-to-date and relevant to the study of shadow economy, due to the relatively constant behavior of economic agents and the lack of analogous recent survey that examines informal activity in such details, allowing comparative analysis with other European countries. The declared behavior of the respondents is examined and statistical tests are employed to indicate statistically significant differences between the mean values of the four countries regarding the performed paid undeclared activities and the purchase of goods from the shadow sector. The research specifies the sectors most affected by undeclared activities – in Bulgaria this is construction. The reasons for participation in the shadow economy from the supply and demand side are analyzed. The results reveal the pragmatism of Bulgarian respondents in comparison to the motivation of respondents in the other three countries. The most common paid undeclared activities are also indicated, as well as the most frequently purchased goods and services from the shadow sector. The material builds on the current knowledge on the subject and provides a starting point for the refinement of policies to combat shadow economy.
This article explores how the principles established in the Treaty of Westphalia continue to shape contemporary geopolitics, particularly in the context of the EU’s efforts to maintain stability in its eastern neighbours. Focusing on the volatile relationship between Russia and Ukraine in the 1998-2021 period, this article aims at analysing the complex dynamics between the Westphalian concept of international order, the EU and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, shedding light on the complexities of contemporary European geopolitics. Ensuing from the research goal is the threefold research focus: 1/ Assessment of the influence of the Westphalian principles on modern European geopolitics; 2/ Assessment of EU efforts and policies to mediate conflicts and promote dialogue between Russia and Ukraine; 3/ Identification of challenges and opportunities faced by the EU in its aspirations to promote peace, stability and democracy in the region. The study puts forth the hypothesis that while the Westphalian concept of state sovereignty continues to influence international relations, the supranational model of the EU offers a unique approach to managing conflicts and promoting cooperation between European nations. By early 2022, the EU, through its diplomatic initiatives, legal mechanisms and integration efforts, is said to play a central role in mediating Russian-Ukrainian tensions and promoting the principles of peace and democracy in Eastern Europe. Methodologically, the study builds upon a comparative approach to analyse the historical context, political frameworks and diplomatic commitments related to the role of the EU in Russian-Ukrainian relations.
This paper has as its reference point the issue of corruption in Ukraine, which has recently once again become the subject of attention due to reports that it may be an important factor when it comes to the recalcitrance of some of Ukraine’s Western partners and allies with regard to offering military support for the country’s war effort against Russia. The main objective is to demonstrate how the West’s tendency to overstress this problem, for which the paper offers proof, that could manifest itself in it applying undue pressure on the Ukrainian authorities, entails risks and may have a number of undesirable repercussions due to 1) providing fuel to Russian disinformation campaigns and negatively affecting the perceptions of Ukraine among Western citizens, 2) hampering the Ukrainian military campaign and its appraisal abroad, 3) indirectly contributing to changing the nature of Ukrainian nationalism by making it more exclusionary.
The paper discusses the role of the European Union’s Erasmus+ Mobility Programme in improving business education in universities around the world, with only one located in an EU member country. Based on a case study, the importance of matching basic provisions in the internationalization strategies of universities interested in pursuing such collaboration is highlighted. It also examines some of the more significant organizational prerequisites for the practical implementation of the partnership concept, as well as for monitoring and evaluating the outcomes of mobility and other associated joint activities.
The cohesion policy in the European Union aims to reduce regional disparities and stimulate economic development through the application of various financial instruments. The synchronization of national legal regulations with the European regulatory framework necessitates the amendment and supplementation of applicable and existing legal acts specifically related to the management of funds from European funds under shared management. This article presents the cohesion policy of the European Union and the impact of its implementation on regional policy in Bulgaria. The study pays special attention to the application of the regulatory framework regarding the “cohesion policy” in the context of implementing local self-government and local administration. Following Bulgaria‘s accession to the European Union in 2007, the country has utilized the European Union‘s structural funds to reduce regional disparities, enhance economic growth, and promote sustainable development. This research evaluates the effectiveness of these policies, their role in the regional transformation of Bulgaria, and the latest challenges and future prospects.
Governments endorse R&D promotion policies to correct for potential market failure that is caused by R&D’s positive externalities and the discrepancies between the social and private rates of return to R&D. The logical connection of the Quadruple-Helix model with the characteristics of the sectoral specialisation of the economies of the regions in terms of their innovation potential and priority areas for the development of scientific research and innovation will be investigated in this chapter. A special focus will be on the digitalisation acting as a push factor for the processes. The advantages of this approach are with the web-based services and with the established Centre of Excellence could assist SMEs from limited area, but also with the web-based services will grant the SME a number of scenarios they could follow or adjust to their specific needs.
In today’s economies, lifelong learning has emerged as a crucial driver of economic and social development and growth. However, Bulgaria lags behind other European nations in terms of participation in lifelong learning initiatives. This article delves into the factors that influence continuing education. A field study, involving over one hundred Bulgarian enterprises, revealed that organizational culture plays a pivotal role in shaping corporate investment decisions. Companies that prioritize human capital accumulation through strategic human resource development strategies and practices, and view learning as an essential asset tend to exhibit higher levels of both participation and intensity in lifelong learning programs. These findings align with institutional theory according to which organizational culture significantly impacts investments in lifelong learning. Thus, the paper has significant practical implications for policies related to continuing education and training.
An example of civic education is the participatory school budget used in Poland. In the participatory budget training, students submit their own ideas, create projects, and then choose those that they think are the most attractive and important. The idea for a participatory school budget was born from the desire to adapt the classic participatory budget process to the needs of a small, local community, such as a school. Taking part in this type of project allows students to co-decide about matters in their immediate environment, i.e. the school. However, in the longer term, it is intended to prepare them to engage in the classic citizen budget, which is carried out in local government units in Poland. The aim of the article is to briefly present the origins and idea of the classic participatory budget, but primarily to focus on the participatory school budget, in particular in relation to a specific example, which is the participatory school budget carried out in one of the Polish cities - Krakow. The article also includes information about the campaign of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education promoting participatory budgeting in schools. Document analysis and critical content analysis, as well as historical and comparative methods were used to write the article.
The report examines the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria, as a package of measures which, through a wide range of grants and loans, aims to support the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and encourage investments leading to a greener digital economy as at the national and regional level, including and Veliko Tarnovo region. The object of analysis are the funds attracted in the region, which prove the effectiveness of the investments and lead to sustainable economic development, turning the regions into an increasingly preferred place to live and work.
The goal of this article is to analyze the impact of household savings and household loans on gross fixed capital formation in Bulgaria. The research is carried out on the basis of quarterly data for the 2010-2023 period. The sources of the data are the National Statistical Institute (NSI) and the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB). The algorithm of the empirical research includes: checking for stationarity by means of the extended Dickey-Fuller test; determining the optimal lag of the model; Johansen cointegration test; specification of vector error correction model (VECM). As a result of the research, it has been established that there is a long-term relationship between the variables gross fixed capital formation, household savings and household loans. At the same time, about 39.2% of the disequilibrium between the studied variables in a certain quarter is compensated in the next one.