Author(s): Sani Haciyev / Language(s): Turkish
Issue: 12/2011
At the result of the decline of the Soviet Union the role and perspectives of Turkey in Central Asia have changed. This was resulted with the end of Soviet danger, continued for the century, as well as joining to military-political processes of the region. The role of Turkey in Central Asia didn’t cast doubt on anybody from the beginning of 1990s. It got into the agenda national interests of turkey, ethnic and religious approach in the Central Asian policy of Turkey. The history of the Turkish state, its cultural, ethnic and linguistic unity with above mentioned region created large perspectives for this state as well. The essential of Turkey in Central Asia confronted with jealousy by such states as the USA, Russia, Iran, China and India. Since the beginning of XXI century, speaking frankly after September 11, 2001 all these states did their best to accurate their policy, related to this region. Namely this formed some dangers for the regional policy of Turkey as well. Especially beginning from 2000, Russia, Iran and China attempted to approach to one another, and this was against America and Pakistan. According to this, it’s obvious to create the Triple Alliance of “Russia-China-Iran” against the priority of the US and her allies. The establishment of Shank hay organization can be considered the sample of this alliance. Doubtless, to keep the healthy positions in Central Asia in such difficult circumstances is very vague and Turkey was waited for by struggle according to this situation. It is important to shape special determined relations with Central Asian countries in the context of struggle of the US, Russia and Iran for the region. Among these, above mentioned states, only Turkey has ethnic, linguistic and religious unity with the countries of the region. That’s why Turkey has more chance to create tight relations as well.