Zapach malarstwa – zapach sztuki (sensuous theory)
The affective dimension of experience conceived as a factor organising the psyche is an essential current of the new humanities which accept the “sense-centric“ and multi-sensory perspective derived from French existential phenomenology and based on neuroaesthetics and osmosociology. It resolves the question concerning the manner in which assorted artistic practices are received as a direct multisensory experience upon successive stages of the origin and functioning of art – from the artist’s studio, where art is produced, to the museum/gallery, where it is presented. For the first time in Polish literature the text analyses the participation of scent in the creation and perception of painting by engaging the sensuous theory (Vivian Sobchack) devised by so-called film studies 2.0. The author cites numerous statements made by artists and recipients of art dealing with this theme as well as fragments of the belles lettres, at the same time indicating contemporary art and exposition practices based on scent as well as most recent scientific research (library of the scents of historical objects).