Лобирање – усмерена комуникација са утицајним јавностима
This paper represents the review of the influence of communication on the influential public and the role of the process of lobbying on that activity. After the conceptual definition of communication and lobbying, the process of decision- making is set as a referent framework, within which the author analyzed how political actors outside the government fight for their interests, and how they influence on the making, amendment or change of the decisions. In order for the lobby activity to be seriously and adequately accepted, it is necessary that the actors of influence, lobbyists, have their strategies and techniques of which, at the bottom end, depend the results of the overall activity. At the end, the aim of the paper is to point out that lobbying can „transgress“ the boundaries of action which were determined by norms, but, which is more important, there are significant and decisive communication differences between lobbying and corruption, and where the corruption starts, the lobbying ends.