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Classification of Articles with annotations and an authors’ register for Vol. VII (1995), No. 107/108-No. 130
REPUBLIKA Classification of Articles with annotations and an authors’ register for Vol. VII (1995), No. 107/108-No.130
Ova bibliografija bibliografija prvi je sustavniji prikaz bibliografskog praćenja sociologijskog znanstvenog i tematskog područja unutar korpusa društvenih znanosti na našim, i nekad jugoslavenskim, prostorima u rasponu od tridesetak godina.
Schriftenverzeichnis Jadran Ferluga A Contribution to Bibliography of Wayne S. Vucinich Works on Balkan History
According to the data that we have Zazaki met with academy world in the years 1856-57 with Peter Lerch's works, from that day to today seems to have left behind nearly 160 years. In the first terms while mostly western scientist and orientalists' works were effective, in recent times we see that the studies are concentrated in Turkey much more; but also new ones are added to western sources every day. Following and identifying these academic studies related to Zazaki which ongoing on a wide geographical area is a difficult job. The opening of master section on Zazaki in some universities in Turkey and initial publication of the first paper in this area open a wider area to us. This study is continuation of the study published by the same name in 2014; offers a bibliography of books about Zazaki, articles, book chapters, master papers and doctoral theses.