Bibliografický súpis časopisu Slovenský národopis (1953 – 2002)
Bibliographic catalog of the magazine Slovenský národopis (1953 - 2002)
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Bibliographic catalog of the magazine Slovenský národopis (1953 - 2002)
The ‘lessons learned’ by the European Union in crisis management largely result from the EU’s considerable experience in the Western Balkans, which has helped it to develop its capabilities, institutions and instruments in the European Commission and the Council General Secretariat. A full range of civilianand military crisis-management tools, as well as development and humanitarian assistance, have been put into practice in support of the reconstruction of the Western Balkans, where the EU is now the lead international actor. This chapter concentrates on the implementation of EU efforts towards police reform in Macedonia, where the EU supports the peace process and seeks to bring the country closer to the EU. It provides an assessment of coherence at the operational level between inter-governmental and Community instruments, as well as cooperation between EU operations and other international actors active on the ground.
Jan Zouhar se narodil dne 16. června 1949 v Brně. Po maturitě na Střední průmyslové škole stavební jej kulturní zájmy a humanitní zaměření přivedly ke studiu filozofie a češtiny na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Brně. Z učitelů filozofie na něho měli největší vliv zejména Jaromír Bartoš, Jiří Cetl a Lubomír Nový. Po absolutoriu působil dva roky jako středoškolský učitel a poté, v roce 1975, nakročil na vědeckou dráhu v Ústavu pro výzkum společenského vědomí a vědeckého ateismu ČSAV v Brně.
1. Discussions, articles and contributions 2. Discussions at congresses, scientific meetings and conferences 3. Work on the publication of historical sources 4. Critiques and reviews
This bibliography lists the writings of the first Croatian president Franjo Tuđman and the dynamics of the reactions that the publication of his works caused. The bibliography consists of two parts. The first part is a bibliographic record of Franjo Tuđman’s works published in the period between 1952 and 2009 as autonomous works, articles published in anthologies, and articles published in periodicals. The second part is a record of publications about Franjo Tuđman as a historian, politician, and statesman. Due to the multitude of newspaper writings about President Franjo Tuđman in Croatian and foreign press in the period 1990-2009, the list has been limited to texts published as autonomous works, and to articles published in anthologies and in periodicals.
Selected literature on Czech foreign policy published in 2014
Selected literature on Czech foreign policy published in 2016
Selected literature on Czech foreign policy published in 2010
Selected literature on Czech foreign policy published in 2015