Библиография на проф. д.и.н. Елена Александрова Грозданожа. Непознатата Елена Грозданова
Full bibliography of the publications and studies by Prof. Grozdanova and texts of unknown poems written by her.
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Full bibliography of the publications and studies by Prof. Grozdanova and texts of unknown poems written by her.
Cilj ovog rada je polaznicima Akademije političkog liderstva ponuditi pregledan uvod u proučavanje oblasti ljudskih prava uvidom u dostupnu literaturu, kao dopunu predavanjima i razgovorima na Akademiji. Naime, u toku nastave na Akademiji, polaznicima je predstavljen uvod u ljudska prava u nekoliko tematskih cjelina. U okviru ovih tematskih cjelina diskutiran je istorijski aspekt ljudskih prava, geneza ideje ljudskih prava od Kirovog cilindra, preko Magne Charte Libertatum (1215) i Deklaracije o pravima građanina i čovjeka (1789), pa sve do Evropske konvencije o ljudskim pravima i osnovnim slobodama. Pored diskusije o institucionalnom pristupu ljudskim pravima, snažan akcent je stavljen na moć pojedinca da mijenja neželjeno u društvu. Diskutirani su podvizi heroja ljudskih prava Gandija, Kinga, Mandele i hWeroina Rose Parks, majke Tereze. Otvoren je pogled i na drugu stranu medalje, diskutirano je o prezentiranim dokazima s tribunala (pisma Raschera Himleru, Himlera Bracku, te prof. Clauberga Himleru o eksperimentiranju nad Jevrejima u koncentracionim logorima) u Nürnbergu, koji su služili kao podloga diskusiji o nacističkim zločinima, te kako je zapravo ishod tog suđenja u procesu protiv ljekara u koncentracionim logorima izrodio kodekse medicinske etike kakvu danas poznajemo. Nakon toga prezentirani su koncepti pozitivnih i prirodnih prava.
Principal and executive editor of the magazine SLOVENSKÝ NÁRODOPIS in 1953 - 2002
Vyrazy odkazuju na bibliograficke udaje, u ktorych rozsah predmetu zodpoveda konkretnemu vyrazu. Vyrazy neodkazuju na bibliograficke udaje s užšim predmetovym rozsahom. Tak napr. pri hľadani udajov k predmetu nábytok je nutne pozrieť aj vyrazy stôl, posteľ atď.
A new stage in the evolution of historical bibliography began with the creation, in 1955, of the bibliographical section of the historical institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, which works in collaboration with the bibliographical section of the institute history of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. It was agreed to resume the regular publication of an annual historical bibliography recording Czech as well as Slovak literature. The first two volumes include literature from the years 1955 and 1956.13 The method of recording literature has remained the same; however, a new classification has been established to meet the needs of Marxist historiography. The choice of literature is more considered; only important works are recorded by eliminating a number of small heterogeneous articles and news. The bibliography also records foreign literature relating to Czechoslovakian history.
1. Books 2. Chapters / appendices in books / monographs 3. Papers in proceedings (of conferences, symposia...) 4. Papers in journals 5. Encyclopedias, lexicons, dictionaries 6. Reviews
Strategically Karlovac was very important city in 1991 and there was the greatest concentration of Jugoslav National Army (JNA) in it. In the beginning the city was defended by the police, and later on by the several brigades of the Croatian Army. The city of Karlovac, as well as the Karlovac County had the highest amount of human casualties and material damages. Moreover, the great number of the displaced persons and refugees from Bosnia and Hercegovina had taken shelter in Karlovac. In spite of these circumstances Karlovac was defended and eventually rebuilt. On all these events that happened in the period between 1991 and 1996 and so far there are more than 150 bibliographic units.