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Vedecke časopisy maju rozličnu životnosť. Ich existencia zavisi od množstva okolnosti ako napriklad od potrieb vedeckej discipliny, od inštitucii, ku ktorym sa viažu, od financii, od konkretnych ľudi, ktori ich vydavaju, ako aj od politickych, socialnych a ekonomickych pomerov krajiny. V neposlednom rade uspešne vydavanie zavisi i od akademickej obce – prispievateľov a čitateľov, ktori maju alebo nemaju o časopis zaujem. V europskej etnologii, ako sa spravidla premenoval odbor narodopis v Europe približne v dvoch až troch poslednych dekadach 20. storočia, možeme najsť časopisy s koreňmi už v 19. storoči a s neprerušenou kontinuitou vydavania.
Any reference to the Romanian philosophy of the 20th century must also contain details about its relationship with modernity / modernization. As everywhere in Europe, in Romania, modernity has produced a paradigm shift. This position expressed a certain way of thinking about philosophy in a modernizing society. This volume contains the works of the Panel entitled "Tradition and modernization in Romanian philosophy in the twentieth century", proposed and moderated by Mihaela Gligor, as part of the International Conference "Modernism, modernization, modernity. Historiographical and methodological perspectives", organized by the "George Baritiu" Institute of History of the Romanian Academy of Sciences and Babeș Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, between October 13-15, 2021, within the Cluj Academic Days 2021.
The cultural relations between India and Romania are interesting to study and to understand. India is a country of immense diversity, of extraordinary customs, and a genuine feast of opinions, which attracts researchers from all over the world. Romanians are people with a profound sensibility. The two cultures met on the common ground of spirituality and the results are remarkable, as it is shown in this special volume.