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Bibliography of Bosnian-Herzegovinian Publishers, December 1973, January 1974
The Rroma bibliography brings together magazines and newspapers that appeared in Romania and in various countries, especially after 1989, which were in the author's personal collection and were donated to the Institute for Studying the Problems of National Minorities in Romania. A similar collection, containing books, brochures and a small number of magazines and newspapers, was donated by the author in May 2015 to the Central University Library in Bucharest, the titles being inserted into a valuable guiding instrument (v. Gheorghe Sarau, Rroma bibliography (books, brochures, magazines, newspapers), Bucharest: University Publishing House, Bucharest, 2016), which helps librarians, researchers and the public interested in the Roma field, but also in support of Roma students from different specialties, or nerroms working with and for the Roma, both in the country and abroad. The journals and newspapers in the present bibliography fall within the scope of the Roma on Romani language and literature, history, anthropology, theater, music, sociology, politics, human rights, children's rights, Roma education, architecture and community development etc. between 1987 and 2014, and some in 1984-1986, 1978-1981 and 1970-1974. Although the collections of magazines and newspapers listed here do not fully cover the years of their appearance, they are still important milestones in the information and research activity in the field of Roma.
W polskim piśmiennictwie naukowym systematyczne przeglądy literatury są wciąż nową, nieznaną formą eksploracji wątków tematycznych. W światowej nauce odchodzi się od narracyjnych przeglądów literatury na rzecz analiz usystematyzowanych, replikowalnych i w rezultacie jasno ukazujących to, co warto badać, gdyż zawiera potencjalnie dużą wartość naukową. Książka jest jedną z nielicznych (a pierwszą, która przedstawia liczne przykłady zastosowania omawianej tematyki w naukach ekonomicznych, i to w tak szerokim ujęciu) na polskim rynku pracą obrazującą, na czym polega systematyczny przegląd literatury, w tym analiza bibliometryczna. Pokazuje, do czego takie przeglądy prowadzą: jak przekonująco (bo transparentnie, przy podaniu powtarzalnej metody) pozwalają wyłonić z naukowego gąszczu piśmienniczego te wątki, które warto badać przy wykorzystaniu określonych teorii i metod oraz jakie pytania lub hipotezy badawcze są warte dalszego dociekania. Książka jest adresowana do młodszych naukowców (doktorantów, doktorów) i osób aspirujących do zostania akademikami. Może być też pomocna w pisaniu prac magisterskich w częściach poświęconych przeglądowi literatury naukowej.
Volumul de față reprezintă o premieră în peisajul editorial românesc, fiind o radiografie a învățământului românesc din perspectiva limbilor studiate și a oportunităților disponibile de găsire a unui loc de muncă pentru cunoscătorii de limbi străine. Cercetarea întreprinsă de un colectiv de 30 de autori prezintă în amănunt, inclusiv prin mijloace grafice și fotografii, valorificând sursele de informare disponibile, pregătirea multilingvă în România – la nivel preuniversitar, universitar și postunivesitar, precum și în context extrașcolar –, la aceasta adăugându-se o analiză amănunțită a competențelor lingivistice și a inserției pe piața muncii din România. Cele șapte anexe completează și sintetizează informațiile cuprinse în capitolele cărții.Cartea se adresează, așadar, nu doar profesorilor de limbi străine sau angajatorilor, ci și tuturor acelora care sunt interesați să afle detalii riguros documentate despre prezența limbilor materne și moderne în mediul educațional și profesional românesc, în contextul unui mediu european și internațional dinamic din punct de vedere economic, social și politic, în care cunoașterea limbilor străine de către cetățenii români, dar și cunoașterea limbii române de către cetățenii străini care studiază și lucrează în România reprezintă un element care poate asigura o bună inserție pe piața educțională și a muncii.The present volume is unique on the Romanian publishing market, as it is a comprehensive overview of the Romanian education system from the perspective of the languages present in the curricula and of the opportunities for insertion on the labour market available for language proficient individuals. The result of research undertaken by a group of 30 authors, the book provides extensive details on and a cross-regional comparison of the opportunities for studying languages at pre-university, university and extracurricular level, with valuable appendices that complement and summarize the information presented throughout the book.The volume is therefore aimed not only at foreign language teachers or employers, but also at all those who are interested in finding out rigorously documented details about the presence of languages in the Romanian educational and professional environment, against the background of a dynamic economic, social and political European and international context, in which proficiency in foreign languages by Romanian citizens, as well as the mastery of the Romanian language by foreign citizens studying and working in Romania, are key elements that may ensure a good insertion on the educational and labor market.