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Bibliography of Muslim Literature in oriental languages in our country
This index is built by title of article for the 54 articles carried this year in Volume 3 of the South-East Europe Review
The bibliography presented here contains only those publications in the field which are possible to study without knowledge of the Hungarian language, i.e. which were written in English or other foreign languages, or which simply publish a database of the name changes. The annotations are based on the texts of the publications and the abstracts (if they were available). Naturally, there are also many additional contemporary sources and scholarly publications available in the field in Hungarian, many (lately the majority) include an English abstract.
This study has been prepared in connection with “A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THESES ABOUT BLACK SEA AND TURKOLOGY IN RUSSIA FROM THE PAST TO THE PRESENT AND THEIR TRANSLATION INTO TURKISH” Project. This study has been conducted in Lenin Adıan Russian National Library and HIMKI library. The theses are classified according to the surnames of the writers. In the catalogue, the surnames of the writers, their names, the titles of the theses, careers, fields of study, the institution they are written by, its place and date, where and when it was defended, thesis consultant, its jury members, language, number of pages and translation into Russian are presented in an order. In the study, 261 MA and 61 PhD theses are included. In the introduction part, information about Moscow and the case and style of study in Moscow libraries is presented.
In dieser Rubrik wird auf aktuelle Publikationen hingewiesen, die für die Siebenbürgen-Forschung von Relevanz sind. Bei den alphabetisch aufgeführten Titelangaben handelt es sich um Neuzugänge der Siebenbürgischen Bibliothek (mit Angabe der Signatur jeweils in Klammern), nicht jedoch um eine Auflistung aller ihrer Neuerwerbungen; Neuzugänge, deren Titelaufnahme noch nicht abgeschlossen ist, sind hier nicht berücksichtigt. Hochschulschriften und Privatdrucke sind in der Regel nur in der Bibliothek benutzbar. Diese Zusammenstellung erhebt in keiner Weise Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit. Für weiterführende Hinweise ist die Redaktion stets dankbar.
Bibliography of the journal Scrinia Slavonica 2001-2010
Bibliography of Books, Studies and Papers by Aleksandar Flaker Published in Yugoslavia Bibliography of Works by Aleksandar Flaker Published Abroad
Fontos könyvek A BUKSZ válogatott bibliográfiája 2013. II. negyedév (Important Books. The BUKSZ Select Bibliography. Summer 2013)