Zakaz posługiwania się znakami towarowymi w reklamie internetowej i zakaz współpracy z porównywarkami cenowymi jako ograniczenie konkurencji w kontekście orzeczenia Bundesgerichtshof z 12 grudnia 2017 roku
The case is part of a series of recent cases where EU competition authorities considered the acceptable scope of restricting online retail sales by producers. According to the decision of the Bundeskartellamt of 26 August 2015, and subsequent rulings of German courts, an absolute ban on the use of trademarks in online advertising and the prohibition of cooperation with price comparison websites imposed on distributors by the producer is a per se violation of Article 101(1) TFEU and cannot benefit from a block or an individual exemption. The decision is based on the statement of violation of the principle of equivalence of restrictions of online and traditional sales. According to the author, such an assessment method is not always right. Due to the difference between the two distribution channels, indicating equivalent limitations may be objectively impossible. The decision does not explain sufficiently precisely which factors objectively determine the luxury status of a given product. This means that there is still uncertainty about the acceptable scope of restrictions on online sales