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Full bibliography of the publications and studies by Prof. Grozdanova and texts of unknown poems written by her.
The gardening in Hungary owes much to three Bulgarian settlements: Lyaskovets, Draganovo, Polikraishte. Two museums (in Budapest and Lyaskovets) testify to the importance of this link in Bulgarian-Hungarian relations. Draganovo is a village in Gorna Oryahovitsa Municipality, in Central Bulgaria. Draganovo is known in the area for its farms and vegetable gardens. Due to the fertile soil around the village, it is one of the main producers of cabbage and tomatoes in the central/northeastern regions of Bulgaria. After World War II gardeners from Draganovo has been dispatched to Hungary and other parts of Europe to help rebuild the land and make it fertile again. The river Yantra flows through the village. The river contributes for the village's fertile soils. In this book, you will find specific words, part of the dialect of speech from the village Draganovo, collected in a dictionary by Rumen Stoyanov.
According to CLEPA (the European association of automotive suppliers), there are more than 3000 automotive suppliers in EU member countries, with 5mln employees and turnover of more than EUR 600 bln. In Bulgaria, there are more than a hundred companies that deliver components to big multinationals from the automotive sectors. The majority of local suppliers (first, second and third tier) are independent local and foreign companies, although subsidiaries of international first-tier suppliers function as well. Irrespective of certain difficulties in the field research, the findings show the following: - Foreign buyers are not interested in the environmental and social policies of local suppliers. The social and environmental impact of the suppliers within the local community is not an interest as well; - Foreign buyers do not embed in their contracts with the suppliers' requirements for compliance with ESG standards; - Local suppliers comply with the legally established norms about air pollution, the protection of soil and water and the management of the waste. How have we interpreted the above findings: buyers rely on local legislation and they do not go beyond. We did not manage to contact the procurement offices of foreign buyers and their boards. We tried to discover evidence in their annual reports and we interviewed the representative offices of big multinationals - European and Asian. Despite the fact that we received similar answers, we did not include them in our analysis. Our research proved the importance of the holistic approach when evaluating sustainable development policy of listed companies. The reverse mirror is not a research method only. It is another tool for evaluating the effectiveness of sustainable framework of corporate governance.
This book represents a study of the textology, typology, sources and literary peculiarities of the so-called ’miscellanies of mixed content' in the South Slavonic tradition (from the end of 13th – the beginning of 18th c.) – less known or unknown in the Humanities. The problem is closely related to the apocryphal collections in the Balkan Cyrillic manuscripts, as the Apocrypha are a significant part of this type of manuscripts. The scope of the study is to popularize the series and texts that fill the gap in the translation and perception of the Slavonic Apocrypha. New information is presented over the sources of translations, as well as the compilation approach of Slavonic writers, which reproduces a new version of the texts. The copies of the Slavonic texts are published in the supplement. The typology of manuscripts is supported by plectograms produced in the Repertory of Old Bulgarian Literature and Letters (http://repertorium.obdurodon.org/).
Includes full papers presented in the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development
The 7th International Conference Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability (IMES 2019) took place on May 30 – 31, 2019 at the University of Economics, Prague. The conference was organised by the Department of Entrepreneurship of the University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic in cooperation with other partners.Sound keynote speakers – Martina Musteen (San Diego State University, USA), Ilan Alon (University of Agder, Norway), Andrew Burke (Trinity Business School, Ireland), Arnim Wiek (Arizona State University, USA), Søren Salomo (Technical University Berlin, Germany) and Roy Thurik (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands) discussed the trends in the fields of innovation management, entrepreneurship and sustainability. The conference aimed to achieve academic excellence in a regional context and to establish a platform for mutual collaboration, exchange and dissemination of ideas among researchers and professionals.These conference proceedings contain contributions of the conference participants presented during both days of the conference. Authors of papers come from 22 countries all over the world, namely from Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Mexico, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA and Vietnam. All these contributions have successfully passed the doubleblind peer-review process.
Intercultural contact and communication have increased in the context of globalization. Both terms are, however, little transparent, evoke a host of associations and carry various significances. The present article proposes a framework to understand current meaning of intercultural dialogue. Globalization is a dynamic process which impacts differentially on various cultures around the world. It permeates cultural boundaries and in the process results in the spread of Western ideologies and values across the world. This paper investigates the relationship between globalization and intercultural communication underlying assumption that globalization is manifested in the intercultural penetration processes which have substantial effects on the cultures.
The acquisition of a second or additional language, in whatever learning environment it might occur, is always bound to external and internal factors, about whose effects on the acquisition process we still do not know enough. One of these factors is the individual multilingualism. In our contribution, we would like to start from the hypothesis that, in principle, multilingual people, whether they speak two or more languages, are better foreign language learners in school learning contexts than monolingual people. The reason for this is that they develop a higher degree of language awareness and language acquisition. At the same time, we maintain, however, that we are not deriving enough advantage from this potential of a very large group of to an adequate extent
List of questions for research interviews with representatives of the EU institutions
Any reference to the Romanian philosophy of the 20th century must also contain details about its relationship with modernity / modernization. As everywhere in Europe, in Romania, modernity has produced a paradigm shift. This position expressed a certain way of thinking about philosophy in a modernizing society. This volume contains the works of the Panel entitled "Tradition and modernization in Romanian philosophy in the twentieth century", proposed and moderated by Mihaela Gligor, as part of the International Conference "Modernism, modernization, modernity. Historiographical and methodological perspectives", organized by the "George Baritiu" Institute of History of the Romanian Academy of Sciences and Babeș Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, between October 13-15, 2021, within the Cluj Academic Days 2021.
The cultural relations between India and Romania are interesting to study and to understand. India is a country of immense diversity, of extraordinary customs, and a genuine feast of opinions, which attracts researchers from all over the world. Romanians are people with a profound sensibility. The two cultures met on the common ground of spirituality and the results are remarkable, as it is shown in this special volume.
Volumul de față reprezintă o premieră în peisajul editorial românesc, fiind o radiografie a învățământului românesc din perspectiva limbilor studiate și a oportunităților disponibile de găsire a unui loc de muncă pentru cunoscătorii de limbi străine. Cercetarea întreprinsă de un colectiv de 30 de autori prezintă în amănunt, inclusiv prin mijloace grafice și fotografii, valorificând sursele de informare disponibile, pregătirea multilingvă în România – la nivel preuniversitar, universitar și postunivesitar, precum și în context extrașcolar –, la aceasta adăugându-se o analiză amănunțită a competențelor lingivistice și a inserției pe piața muncii din România. Cele șapte anexe completează și sintetizează informațiile cuprinse în capitolele cărții.Cartea se adresează, așadar, nu doar profesorilor de limbi străine sau angajatorilor, ci și tuturor acelora care sunt interesați să afle detalii riguros documentate despre prezența limbilor materne și moderne în mediul educațional și profesional românesc, în contextul unui mediu european și internațional dinamic din punct de vedere economic, social și politic, în care cunoașterea limbilor străine de către cetățenii români, dar și cunoașterea limbii române de către cetățenii străini care studiază și lucrează în România reprezintă un element care poate asigura o bună inserție pe piața educțională și a muncii.The present volume is unique on the Romanian publishing market, as it is a comprehensive overview of the Romanian education system from the perspective of the languages present in the curricula and of the opportunities for insertion on the labour market available for language proficient individuals. The result of research undertaken by a group of 30 authors, the book provides extensive details on and a cross-regional comparison of the opportunities for studying languages at pre-university, university and extracurricular level, with valuable appendices that complement and summarize the information presented throughout the book.The volume is therefore aimed not only at foreign language teachers or employers, but also at all those who are interested in finding out rigorously documented details about the presence of languages in the Romanian educational and professional environment, against the background of a dynamic economic, social and political European and international context, in which proficiency in foreign languages by Romanian citizens, as well as the mastery of the Romanian language by foreign citizens studying and working in Romania, are key elements that may ensure a good insertion on the educational and labor market.