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Prespa is a wilderness park with special protected areas due to its high ecological value: two national parks (Pelister and Galicica), one preserved marsh for bird sanctuary (Ezereni), and the Prespa Lake as a monument of nature. A wide range of natural ambiences with exceptional aesthetic significance are evident: mountains, greenwoods and meadows with luxuriant biodiversity and a richness of fauna, vast orchards in the pastoral rural environment, a wonderful lake with a magic shore and an abundance of birds everywhere. It is a really quiet place. Unfortunately, anthropogenic influences have been extremely harmful for many years. Climate change hastens the process of devastation as well. For example, apple orchard irrigation is responsible for one third of the water loss in the lake! Humans must intervene promptly to restore the balance of the hydro system! One of the options is to irrigate via the rainwater systems rather than the lake’s waters or underwater! If the land is cleaned out of hundreds of wild garbage dumps, it would just glitter. Have you ever seen a stunning double rainbow across the lake, as in the fairy tales? Also, embracing organic agriculture is strongly recommended for the overall picture! In my opinion, sustainable tourism is the best solution for this region in the short and long term. All in all, we need to have good will, creativity, and eagerness to reshape this area for our benefit and the benefit of the next generations.
Review of: Robert Coravu, Evaluarea informațiilor din mediul online. Nu crede și cercetează, Editura Universității din București, 2021
There is a lot of direct evidence in the documentary literature in Bulgarian about the siege and defense of Edirne, the most important moment in the course of the Balkan War. They find expression mainly in memoirs and diaries, which contain and reflect the view from the outside, when the fortress city is under attack. In many testimonies there is a description of the condition of the city, which had already fallen after several months of heavy siege, and its inhabitants. On the other hand, there are almost no testimonies that reveal the immediate experiences of the people in the besieged city. In the present text, through the diary of Angele Guéron, director of the Alliance‘s Girls‘ School in the city, and the report of Archimandrite Nicodemus, which is being published for the first time, an attempt is made to show the hitherto absent gaze from within.