Литературна история на факта: Полски автори, преведени на български език. Библиографски указател 2009–2020
The review Literary History of the Fact: Polish Authors Translated into Bulgarian (Bibliographic Index 2009–2020) is dedicated to the new edition of the “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” National Library, presenting the Bulgarian translations of Polish literature published in the last two decades. The edition is viewed as a continuation of the bibliographic index Polish Authors Translated into Bulgarian, 1864–2008 (2009), and as a comparative reference to the publication “Przekłady polsko-bułgarskie: Bibliografia przekładów literatury polskiej w Bułgarii w latach 1990–2006” (“Polish-Bulgarian Translations. Bibliography of Translations of Bulgarian Literature in the Period 1990–2006”), published in the journal Przekłady literatur słowiańskich. T. 1, cz. 3. Bibliografia przekładów literatur słowiańskich 1990–2006. Red. Bożena Tokarz. Katowice: Wyd. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, 2012, 35–143.