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Through the ages, libraries have not only accumulated and preserved but also shaped, inspired, and developed knowledge. The first edition of the first universal bibliography, called „Bibliotheca universalis” signed by the Swiss scholar Conrad Gesner, describes about twelve thousand works by some three thousand authors. It is arranged by first names (with an excellent index of family and adopted names), giving biographies, incipits of texts, details of editions, critical notes on contents, on manuscripts, projected and unfinished works, etc., its only restriction being that everything not in Greek, Latin or Hebrew is excluded. It was a truly epochal achievement, on which all subsequent bibliographers have to some extent relied, directly or indirectly.
The article presents the literary achievements of two Ełk bishops – Edward Edmund Samsel and Wojciech Ziemba. They belong to a group of people having education in the field of biblical theology. The bibliography concerns the years 1992-2017.
Report from the scientific symposium entitled "Apology of the Eucharist", Ełk, January 28, 2020.
У чланку се води полемика с текстом Драгише Васића објављеном у претходном броју Токова историје. Анализира се методологија коју Васић користи, извори на којима је засновао своје тезе, аргументација која се користи, литература на коју се аутор позива. Посебна пажња је поклоњења завршном делу његовог текста, који је оцењен као политички памфлет недостојан научног часописа.