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Resilience has become, in all fields of activity but also in relation to the general way of characterizing the functionality of society, an essential condition, and subsequently a state but also a process, which brings added value to organizational practice, subject to appropriate management, in the face of an increasingly diverse spectrum of crises (military, economic, etc.). The article brings to the attention of specialists and readers interested in the subject an analysis of the conceptual features of the resilience of cultural critical entities, in the contemporary context assumed to be defined by the digital dimension of the current transformations, in order to identify possible managerial frameworks for achieving a sustainable level of this state. The topic presented has been chosen mainly in the light of broad considerations on the usefulness and practical necessity of urban critical infrastructure resilience approaches in the context of reinforcing security culture concerns. In subsidiary, based on previous individual research achievements of the authors, a certain scarcity of studies was also noted, at least at the national level, in this thematic area, the opportunity of undertaking the study and the novelty aimed to be created and exposed also arising.
The study focused on an examination of Boko Haram conflict and fishers’ children education under the background of sustainable development goal in Borno state of Nigeria. Interview for the research work was carried on available displaced fishermen and other people (IDPs) involved in fishing activities in major fish market of the state (Baga Motor Park) within the period of thirty (30) days; from the 04th of the month, February to 04th March,2022. Data for the study was obtained from primary and secondary sources and was analyzed with the application of qualitative technique. The result of the study revealed that Boko Haram conflict does not affect the level of consciousness and commitment in the promotion of education but have negative effect on the free basic education and has affected long-life equitable and inclusive quality education learning opportunities of fishers’ children education in the study area. Recommendations were made for the attainment of sustainable fishers’ children education through the formation of international forum, devising a means of reconstruction, rehabilitation and resettlement of the displaced fishers and vigorous sensitization campaign on awareness creation in the study area.
Today purchasing goods or services online is a regular activity. That is why in this paper we have analyzed the evolution of the online purchases of individuals in the EU countries from 2010 until 2021 in accordance with the latest data provided by the Eurostat Database. For that, we used charts, dynamic indices, and dynamic rhythms.
Most of the time, communication is considered the cause of the problems that occur in the decision-making process. We assume that people lack information, but they are willing to listen and learn and we omit taking into consideration that most of the time the information we deal with is difficult to understand by non-specialists. So, in order to address this issue, the deficit model suggests a one-way communication model where information flows from experts to public in an effort to change individuals’ attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors. Basically, the model shows that if we instruct people indifferent domains, if they manage to acquire as much knowledge as possible, the learned information will change their attitudes and later, it will lead to behavior change. However, we tend to oversee the fact that people are governed by affects which have a greater impact upon their reactions than the simple fact finding.
Review of: Robin Terasse, La Mémoire assiegée. Histoire, identité et propagande culturelle, Édition Dominique Martin Morin, Poitiers, DMM, 2017, 420 p.
The aim of this article is to analyse metaphorical spaces in two dramas by Jerzy Szaniawski: Murzyn. Komedia w trzech aktach[A Negro. A comedyin three acts] from 1917 and Kowal, pieniądze i gwiazdy. Sztuka w trzech aktach [A blacksmith, money, and stars. A play in three acts] from 1948. Drawing attention to the fact that the world presented in most of Szaniawski’s dramas is connected with the province, the author demonstrates how realistic spaces, far from the tumult of the big world, contrast with the metaphorical spaces of the protagonists’ longing, freedom and dreams.These spaces are extremely complex and varied, marking out and at the same time differentiating the mental area in which the protagonists function and influencing their decisions.
The article analyses Adam Zagajewski’s poems that observe the elegiac convention. While summarizing the existing critical thought on the function of elegia in Zagajewski’s poetry, the author presents his own interpretations of selected works. He proves that the elegiac form, realised in Zagajewski’s work in many different ways, is not just an expression of the poet’s nostalgia for the past. By recalling past events, by remembering his deceased friends, and by maintaining the memory of the victims of the Holocaust, Zagajewskimakes the lyrical hero of his poems the guardian of the past. This remembrance must be allowed to influence the future.
Autorka wskazuje różne sposoby rozumienia pojęcia „nowa kinofilia” w wybranych francuskich tekstach teoretycznych i krytycznych. Perspektywa ta wydaje się szczególnie interesująca, gdyż termin „kinofilia” pojawił się na gruncie francuskim, a nawet paryskim, w latach 50. XX w. (okres polityki autorskiej), w dzisiejszych czasach natomiast jest używany szeroko także poza granicami Francji, bardzo często z dookreśleniem „nowa”. Związane jest to z wyłonieniem się innych form kinofilii i przeciwstawieniem ich „staremu” modelowi, choć owa nowość nie zawsze jest wartościowana dodatnio. Szczególnie wyrazistym przykładem postawy krytycznej był artykuł Louisa Skoreckiego Przeciw nowej kinofilii publikowany już w roku 1978. Autorka zwraca uwagę na związki nowej kinofilii z dyspozytywem i pojawieniem się nowych form uczestnictwa w życiu filmowym. Druga część artykułu dotyczy koncepcji Arnauda Guigue’a, który proponuje zastąpienie problematycznego terminu określeniem „kinofilia szerokokątna”.
War requires science and advanced technology to evolve. Until the technological revolution,wars were local, not global. The article presents the concept of a new idea of decentralized war as a civiland hybrid war. The research objective of the article is to initiate a discussion on the evolution of warand weapons of mass destruction. The research problem was formulated as follows: is it a new challengerequiring improvement in the field of education, training, equipment, and filling gaps in legal regulationsand the existing strategy? Can the applicable legal acts and the activities of specialized institutions andbodies contribute to reducing the risk associated with the use of weapons of mass destruction? Bearingin mind the seriousness of the problem, the author hypothesizes that chemical, biological, radiological,and nuclear weapons may become one of the most effective means of achieving goals in armed conflicts.The study focuses on the issue of these weapons, because not only nuclear weapons can play an importantrole in the international security environment, and restrictions on the proliferation and use ofchemical and biological weapons seem ineffective. The article, which is a consequence of the redefinitionof war, is an attempt to rethink the concept of weapons of mass destruction by explaining the roleof cyberattacks, political fanaticism, and hateful propaganda.