Muhammed Ed-Destinâî’nin Âdâbü’l-Müftîn Adlı Risâlesi: İnceleme Ve Tahkîk
In the first periods, the procedure and methodology of iftâ were discussed in the sections adab al-muftî or adab al-fatwa of fiqh works. In the following process, independent works containing these subjects with the same name were written. Among the first independent works on this subject, Ibn al-Salâh’s Edebü’l-müftî ve’l-müsteftî and Ibn al-Hamdân’ın Sıfatü’l-müftî ve’l-müsteftî can be mentioned. In comparison with other madhabs, the independent works on the fatwa methodology of Hanafi were written later. As far as we can determine, the first independent work on Hanafi fatwa methodology is tractate of Mohammed al-Destinâî named Âdâb al-muftîn. Only one copy of this work, which was thought to have been written at the end of the IX. (XV.) century or the beginning of the X. (XVI.) century, was identified. In the work, which consists of four sheets, are included the meanings of the term of fetwa and its derivatives, conditions of the mufti and müstefit. In this article, a tractate named Âdâb al-muftîn, which was the first independent work on Hanafi fatwa methodology and not too much information in sources, and its author will be introduced. In addition, with the thought of contributing to the literature of fetvâ methodology the critical edition of this compendious tractate, will be included.