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Lucrarea de faţă îşi propune să prezinte structura sistemului ierarhic de planificare spaţială în Germania, dezvoltând fiecare nivel de planificare şi anume planificarea la nivel federal, la nivel de Land, la nivel de regiune şi la nivel de comună, prezentând mai apoi şi Legislaţia specială a planificării urbane, capitol care include următoarele subteme: Măsuri de reabilitare urbană, Măsuri de dezvoltare urbană, Restructurare urbană, Oraşul social şi Ordonanţa de conservare. Următorul capitol îşi propune să încerce să răspundă la întrebarea dacă actualmente planificarea spaţială în Germania trece printr-o perioadă de criză, aducând o serie de argumente în acest sens. Astfel că acest capitol se împarte în mai multe subteme printre care se numără şi instrumente de planificare pe timp de criză şi sarcinile de viitor ale planificării spaţiale. Mai apoi lucrarea dezvoltă teoria formulată de Christensen în anul 1985 privind comportamentul în faţa nesiguranţei în procesul de planificare. Christensen, tematizează necesitatea ca planificatorul (urbanistul) să joace rolul de comunicator, mediator. El trebuie să se lupte nu numai cu o nesiguranţă analitică în procesul de planificare, dar şi cu o nesiguranţă sistematică. Planificatorii înţeleg nesiguranţa ca fiind principalul obstacol în procesul de planificare, încercând să o reducă, iar Christensen propune în primul rând o înţelegere mai bună a calcului nesiguranţei la nivel de planificare spaţială. Ultimul capitol abordează planificarea participativă, acest subiect fiind pus în discuţie pentru prima oară în Germania în anii 60, în ziua de azi discuţia participării cetăţenilor la marile decizii în ceea ce priveşte planificarea fiind un nou indicator democratic, formulând centrul noilor metode de planificare în Germania. Din păcate însă participarea este actualmente înţeleasă ca un elemnt ce deranjează, constrânge aşa zisa bună desfăşurare a proceselor de planificare, procesul de paticipare presupunând şi mai mult timp, personal şi bani.
Le projet d’article, que je propose ici, est une étude sur les dynamiques socio-territoriales à l’oeuvre dans le village de pêcheurs du littoral Sud-Ouest de Madagascar, Andavadoake. Les critères d’identification de cette zone sont basés : d’une part sur les règles de résidence traditionnelles c’est-à-dire la présence de cimetière(s) et de hazomanga (poteau rituel) rendant palpable l’identité des groupes, et d’autre part, sur l’émergence des migrants venant de l’intérieur de terre, et la « pullulation » de projet de développement/ conservation dans la région. Si depuis des années la côte sud-ouest malgache a été occupée majoritairement par les pêcheurs Vezo, elle accueille désormais des différents types migrants que certains se convertissent en pêcheurs et d’autres introduisent des nouvelles activités et nouvelles pratiques en adoptant du nouveau mode de vie. Cette situation provoque des désordres sociétaux : conflit entre les usagers des ressources, vente de terre, non respect des anciens…Mon propos consiste donc à réfléchir sur l’avenir de cette zone littorale face à son « statut multiple » : à la fois une « terre d’accueil » pour les étrangers et une « terre de départ » pour les « autochtones » Vezo. De ce fait, la question à laquelle nous cherchons à répondre est: pourquoi les tompontanà, (propriétaire du village) préfèrent migrer, et laisser leur territoire à ces nouveaux venus ? Le déplacement saisonnier était une stratégie utilisé par les pêcheurs vezo pour échapper aux dangers (traite d’esclaves, colonisation, insécurité,…). Avec le temps, cette pratique est devenue une tradition et ils la pratiquent d’une manière systématique pour trouver des endroits plus productifs.
During the economic crisis, the difficulty to access housing has increased due to the shrinking of purchasing power, which accentuated the preference for rented social housing. Persistent jobs crisis, accentuated during of economic recession periods, makes housing to become a central issue of public policies against poverty and exclusion. By mobilizing all social actors involved in housing policy, France may be one of the best examples in Europe on addressing social housing sector. In this context, in 2014, HLM organizations were involved in increasing the supply of rented housing, thereby supporting the needs of French population. They were able to form a partnership with the State in order to implement a plan for investment in housing, which resulted in the HLM Agenda for 2015 – 2018, including a number of specific objectives and concrete measures designed to achieve each objective established.
Providing of social housing is a real problem for millions of families in the European Union and in the world, most intense being felt in the states most affected by the current economic crisis. Providing social housing in Austria had substantial reforms in 2009, when the state has withdrawn the financing and the formerly budget dedicated to promoting housing has been integrated into the general budget of the federal provinces. The social housing stock represents around 24% of the housing stock of the country, of which 60% is owned by municipalities and public companies. Despite the economic crisis Austria has maintained extensive subsidies and it has granted allowances for housing, mainly for rent regulated and non-market housing.
Bucharest, as the majority of big cities, but more than many of them, bears the negative consequences of a very high motorization rate and of an irrepressible traffic, generated on and by its territory of influence. The city’s polarizing force express itself through commuting pendulum flows from and towards its periurban settlements, who are spatially and functionally related to it. In a major share, the commuting trips are made by cars that enter, travel and park within Bucharest, widening the negative impacts of its internal traffic and fleet of cars. The best solution to mitigate traffic congestions, reduce pollution, enhance road safety, release and rehabilitate public space is to provide an efficient regional transportation system at the scale of the quotidian mobility territory (working catchment area delimitating the functional urban area) and the implementation of a coherent mobility policy through consensual packages of measures. This type of complex and expensive transportation supply can be achievable only at a long term horizon, whilst solutions adequate to the current context must be implemented as soon as possible. The paper addresses the solution of organizing "intermodal gates” for the city, as effective equipements for modal report, providing good conditions for fast, convenient and comfortable transfer from car to public transportation, in particular to the subway. Priority locations for such intermodal hubs are those at the entries within Bucharest of A1, A2, A3 motorways, from which large motorized flows are discharging on the internal road framework of the city, already overcharged. The majority of those flows is of commuting trips, which have high potential for modal report towards public, collective transportation. The "Intermodal Gates" are a transfer hubs system with high potential for leading, within Bucharest city, to the mitigation of the traffic originating from its territory of influence. For this “carrot” potential to be efficiently harnessed, “stick” measures also must be taken to limit, condition and make expensive the access and parking in the city, mainly in its center. The work is based on the author’s research undertaken within the project SAFENET - Research on estimation and enhancement of intrinsic safety performances for urban traffic networks, PN-II-PT-PCC A-2011-3.2-1439 conducted through the “Partnership in priority areas” program - PNII, PCCA Tip 2, conducted between 2012-2016 with the support of ANCSI CNDI – UEFISCDI, and addresses proposals of the author during the preparation of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan for Bucharest-Ilfov region, 2014-2015.
Accessibility is a key concept in regional development, with numerous ties to territorial cohesion and polycentricity. Moreover, it also exhibits a geo-strategic function, anchored in the international relationships between countries and continents. The article reviews several case studies, placing analyses of the Romanian accessibility in a broader context. The results show that regional development, overall EU connectivity and possible transit fluxes are prevented by the configuration or lack of communication routes. Increasing the accessibility of regions must be a priority of governments, regardless of political opinions. It is expected that the transition of economy to post-carbon era or other models – green economy, knowledge-based economy etc.) – to result into the emergence of new poles and axes of development, and ensure transport sustainability.
Ky artikull, shqyrton mënyrën se si pakicat etnike dhe gjuhësore, kërkojnë të drejtojnë çështjet e tyre të interesit, brenda kontekstit të strukturave politike dhe qeveritare të vendit. Artikulli, shqyrton marrëdhënien midis ndryshimeve në gjendjen e pakicës dhe ndryshimeve në mjetet specifike të përdorura nga këto grupe, kur kërkojnë drejtimin apo trajtimin e problemeve të tyre. Për këtë arsye, ne do të shohim dy vende të rëndësishme të Europës lindore Rumaninë dhe Ukrainën. Të dy vendet kanë pakica të rëndësishme etnike dhe gjuhësore. Megjithatë, gjendjet e ndryshme të secilit prej këtyre grupeve etnike, kanë prodhuar mjete mjaft të ndryshme me anë të të cilave çështjet etnike dhe gjuhësore janë sjellë në vëmendjen politike dhe qeveritare.
The research results presented in the paper refer to the territorial, demographic and functional organization of Negotinska krajina which is, in many ways, specific area in north-eastern Serbia. The researched area is a complex territorial system according to its position, economical and demographic areal and functional development. Physical and geographical basis is no longer a limiting factor of the inner structure and functional differentiation of Krajina. The effect the basis has on the development of Krajina is double: direct and indirect. The direct effect that the natural elements (configuration, climate, water, biogeographical and pedological features) have on city and village location can be seen in the possibility of their territorial and functional spreading. The indirect effects are realized through influencing population position and economical resources and their evaluation.
Spatial sustainability implies an integration of economic, social, environmental and cultural issues taking into account their territorial particularities. Through the nature of their formation, as part of multi-disciplinary teams, geographers are called to be part of the planning process. Furthermore, the law entitles them to coordinate specific plans. The paper examines in detail the involvement of geographers in the elaboration and coordination of urban and spatial plans, with a special emphasis on their spatial distribution and potential area of influence. The results of geostatistical analyses indicate that the distribution and influence of geographers are sparse and uneven, concentrating around large university centers.
This paper presents a guided tour of significant natural and cultural landscapes along the Danube from springs to the sea, including those in Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. A cross view to Serbia is provided. Methods included field work and photographic survey, literature research not only in technical papers but also in works of art. The paper highlights which are the UNESCO World Heritage Sites and which is otherwise the protection status of the landscapes. In conclusion a variety of landscape typologies were analysed and set in the context of the definition of the term.
The article deals with the problem of aging of the population of the Republic of Moldova. The structure and dynamics of the population of the country by main age groups as well as territorially are analyzed. The problem of population aging is highlighted in the Northern region of the republic, as the region where the highest rate of population aging is observed. The indicator analyzes the demographic load in the Republic of Moldova, including the Northern region.
published by: J. H.W.DIETZ NACHFOLGER, BERLIN //When Friedrich FG Kleinwächter says in his far too little read, very informative book “The Downfall of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy” that Europe knew more about Japan and India than about the South Slavic countries of the Habsburg Empire, the South-Slavic world still today is not in the bright midday light of being known. // In Germany, too, there is often an almost encyclopedic ignorance about the southern Slavs, although they come across our tribal territory on a broad front and one day they will also be our border neighbors in the state; Gone are the days when a Jakob Grimm, an Alexander v. Humboldt, a Leopold v. Ranke were eager to gain an understanding of South Slavic matters. // This regrettable fact - more regrettable for us than for the southern Slavs - justifies the summary and publication of treatises which, whether they have been in "Society" or "Wage", Viennese, workers' Newspaper ”,“ Frankfurter Zeitung ”or“ Prager Presse ”have appeared, are based on knowledge of the subject, strive to penetrate the subject matter and are carried by the will to objectivity. (the author)
In clear, concise language, Matzhold outlines the situation and the way of life in the Balkan countries, always drawing from his own experience. Pressed and influenced by a dozen different ideologies and religions, they represent a source of fire that begins to flicker incessantly in the most diverse places. The great contrasts are described which exist economically, politically and socially in the heart of the Balkan man, in his family, in the states and finally in the whole region and are in conflict with each other. Here the bandages are mercilessly torn from a wound that keeps Europe feverish and threatens the Balkans themselves, indeed the whole world, with a new war. In the author's view, the fate of the West, of contemporary European civilization, will be decided in the Balkans. (blurb of the original edition) PUBLISHED IN 1936 BY L. W. SEIDEL VERLAG, VIENNA - written by the head correspondent of Associated Press to the Balkans
Published in 1884 by Duncker & Humblot Publishing House in Leipzig, // Editorial remark by the Author: „This study was already published in the years 1880 and 1881 in the Baltic Monthly (vols. XXVII and XXVIII) under the title “The emergence and abolition of serfdom in Russia”. The work now appears with references to sources and has been supplemented and completed throughout and can therefore be viewed as an improved and enlarged edition. The first pages have been completely reworked based on new research; otherwise the opinion has remained unchanged. Larger additions relate to the property situation in the north of Russia after the collapse of Novgorod independence, to the position of the code of 1649 and the so-called Great Commission of Catherine II on serfdom. Newly added is Chapter IX.
Concerning the title of the publication, "Who needs tourism?", responses have been included in an interesting report based on discussions conducted during the national scientific conference, the XXXIX Field Seminar "Workshops on the geography of tourism", which took place in Łódź on September 22-23, 2023. Careful reading of individual articles leads to answers in the context of such issues as recreation, tourism space, communication tools in tourism and tourist attractions. The publication therefore presents various perspectives on issues in tourism from both academic and pragmatic viewpoints.