Správa mestských zariadení a mestskí zamestnanci v Bardejove do roku 1526
Besides its main tasks – judiciary and executive, the town administration fulfilled a variety of functions ranging from economic production through defense and protection of its citizens, to the development of culture and education. This required oversight and stewardship by municipal dignitaries and extensive system of urban employees. The paper deals with the management of urban employees and town dignitaries responsible for major sectors of town economy, security, health care, culture and other areas of urban living. The author analyzes the position of urban employees and contracts made by town. Management of urban facilities belonged to the main duties of the elected members of the municipal court. Economic facilities (mills, granary), supervision of wine trade, linen weaving or patronage of hospitals represented the main areas of their functions. An important place among municipal employees belonged to servants in judiciary, diplomacy and urban defense. Specific field, financed by the town council, represented the area of art and culture, where painters, masons, organists and trumpeters were employed.