Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English
The European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and Chiricli respectfully submit written comments concerning Ukraine for consideration by the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) at its 52nd Session from 28th April to 23rd May 2014. Regular monitoring of the human rights situation of Roma in Ukraine has been undertaken by the ERRC and Chiricli, and the work of both organisations is reflected in this submission. The present document does not aim to address all issues relevant to the implementation of the Covenant or its provisions in Ukraine, nor is the document a comprehensive summary of all human rights issues facing Roma in Ukraine. With this submission, the ERRC and Chiricli aim to present the results of research in several areas of relevance to the Covenant in order to complement the information provided in the State Report. The information reflects the current priorities of the submitting organisations in their work in Ukraine. According to the 2001 census, the most recent census data, the population of Ukraine is about 45,453,000 people, among them 47,587 Roma. However, unofficial estimates suggest that the number of Roma in Ukraine is between 120,000 and 400,000. Nationwide, comprehensive data on the socio-economic situation of the Roma in Ukraine do not exist. While nationwide statistics are in general based on the census results, the majority of Roma – for reasons that should be clear from what follows – do not disclose their identity in census-taking which creates a serious obstacle for the production of reliable data. Roma in Ukraine face everyday discrimination and social exclusion. Available data, often collected by civil society organisations, indicate that many Romani communities in Ukraine live in conditions of extreme poverty, often in segregated settlements with little or no access to services such as the education system, health system and other essential services. A number of overarching issues and developments have an impact on the enjoyment of all economic, social and cultural rights by Roma in Ukraine. These include the Strategy for the Protection and Integration of the Roma national minority into Ukrainian society up to 2020 and the National Action Plan on Roma Inclusion, both adopted in 2013 as well as recently-introduced anti-discrimination legislation. Other major issues of concerns also addressed in this submission are the lack of personal documents and the consequences thereof when trying to access essential services, the lack of comprehensive or reliable ethnic data, and particular obstacles faced by Roma in Ukraine in relation to accessing education and housing.